Personality Matters Blog

Posted 02 October 2018 by
Vanessa Bradford, The Myers-Briggs Company

MBTI Facts & Common Criticisms

You may have heard or read things about the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) assessment that cause you to question its validity. Here, we’ll address some of the most common criticisms and misconceptions, and answer some common questions about the assessment.

Posted 02 July 2018 by
By Sherrie Haynie, Director of US Professional Services

We’re All Innovators Pt II: Bringing the Vision to Fruition

In my last post we talked about how different types innovate in different ways, and are at their best during different phases (a la Damian Killen in Type and Innovation) of the innovation process. Those preferring NP tend to be better at the “discover” phase, and are great at generating ideas; Those preferring NJ excel in the “decide” phase, and apply their innovative skills to choosing the right direction and developing a strategy for making it happen; people who prefer ...

Posted 26 June 2018 by
Global Marketing

We’re All Innovators...But We Do It According to Type

By Sherrie Haynie, Director of US Professional Services We’d all like to think of ourselves as ‘innovative’, wouldn’t we? At its core, being innovative involves somehow being able to come up with original ideas and apply them in ways that have some benefit, either for ourselves or for someone else. It’s certainly pertinent to your career and livelihood, but it just as equally at play in all aspects of live, whether it be redesigning your house, managing your money r...

Posted 19 June 2018 by
Global Marketing

Help Our Research Team & Be First to Receive Study Results

Have you wondered if your Myers-Briggs personality type influences your well-being at work? Or does your type influence how you improve your well-being? To help answer these questions, we've put together an international research project investigating well-being at work and the MBTI assessment. And we're asking for your help. To participate in the survey, you need to 1) know your verified MBTI personality type, 2) be currently employed, and 3) have 15 minutes to spend answering a few...

Posted 30 May 2018 by
Global Marketing

Leveraging Your Personality Type for Stress Management During the Job Interview Process

As I sit down to write this story on how the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) tool can help us deal with stress during the interview process, I can’t help but feel a bit stressed myself. I need to get ready for a workshop later this week. Each time I’ve attempted to sit down and prepare this morning, my brain has filled up with a litany of other things to which I need to attend. My plate is plenty full, and yet I keep adding more portions to it. Then, I realize that so much of h...

Posted 23 May 2018 by
Global Marketing

For an Authentic, Effective Job Interview, You Must First Understand Your Own Personality Type (Part II)

In my previous blog, I discussed how you can leverage your preferences for either introversion or extraversion – preferences based on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) – to present an authentic version of yourself during a job interview. Today, I’ll dive a little deeper and talk about how to leverage the other aspects of your personality type to improve your odds of getting a job that is an excellent fit for you. Before I begin, it’s important to remember the conc...

Posted 16 May 2018 by
Global Marketing

For an Authentic, Effective Job Interview, You Must First Understand Your Own Personality Type

I remember my first job interview. It was a long time ago. I was very young and had yet to learn how to be true to myself. I was trying to get a job for the summer in between undergraduate and graduate school, and remember thinking to myself: “Answer how they [my interviewers] want you to answer, no matter what.” I got that job, and at first I was thrilled. Once I began to do the work, however, I hated it. I couldn’t wait for the summer to end! What could I have done better?...

Posted 12 December 2017 by
Global Marketing

Confidence, Extraversion & Understanding – What Helps You The Most?

Written in collaboration with John Hackston, Head of Thought Leadership at OPP Politicians are known for their confidence, but sometimes this can get them into hot water (I’m sure that you can think of some recent examples). You can probably think of a time where you saw someone who seemed to use confidence to cover up a lack of ability. But confidence isn’t just important for politicians, as this article by Laura Barton points out. Women tend to be less confident in their abiliti...

Posted 30 November 2017 by
Global Marketing

10 Books About the MBTI Tool and Type That You Should Read in 2018

Which books about the MBTI assessment and type have had the biggest impact on practitioners? We posted this question on the LinkedIn group of MBTI certified professionals a while ago to discover the titles that had most impressed and inspired practitioners or been a key support in their work with the MBTI assessment. Twenty books rose to the top of the piles. Here are the second set of ten (in no particular order - you can find the first ten in our April post) with comments from the individua...

Posted 14 November 2017 by
Global Marketing

MBTI Step II Facets: Traditional or Original and the Holiday Season

The holidays are just around the corner. The music, decorations, food, smiles on people’s faces, and gifts (giving and receiving!), all make this season special. I love this time of year. Of course how people prefer to celebrate this season can differ quite a bit, and one way it differs depends on where they find themselves on the Traditional-Original MBTI® Step II™ facet. This facet is about the approach to traditions in the social context. People who have the preference for traditional tend th...

Posted 07 November 2017 by
Global Marketing

MBTI Step II Facets: New Experiences for the Experiential or the Theoretical

Second to last for the Sensing-Intuition preference pair facets are Experiential and Theoretical. These facets "emphasize the process by which we derive knowledge or meaning from our perceptions." (MBTI Step II Manual, page 24. As a reminder, the order of these Sensing-Intuition facets goes Concrete—Abstract, Realistic—Imaginative, Practical—Conceptual, Experiential—Theoretical, and Traditional—Original. Whenever I travel, I usually like to experience something new and different…something I w...

Posted 24 October 2017 by
Global Marketing

MBTI Step II Facets: Practical–Conceptual & the Importance of Ideas

While delivering a training program recently, I was getting excited about the “miracle” of the theory behind personality type. I felt like I was in my wheelhouse expounding on the power of type and the implications of these ideas. As explained in the MBTI® Step II™ Manual, “[Conceptual people (like me)] are not content…just to make inferences. Inferences give birth to ideas, and ideas are what excite them” (p. 30). I was brought back to reality when a pa...

Posted 10 October 2017 by
Global Marketing

Navigating the Labyrinth of Stress: Interpersonal Needs and Personality Preferences

This article was originally written for Training Magazine and appeared on their website October 4th, 2017. To read the article on the original website, click here.  In managing stress, the big first step is recognizing how you tend to act under stress. Once you recognize what it looks like for you—and consequently for those you work with—you’re empowered to manage it. Stress isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but when it’s sustained, it can be debilitating. It affects our ability to regulate our...

Posted 10 October 2017 by
Global Marketing

MBTI Step II Facets: Realistic–Imaginative

A colleague came into my office one day and asked me, “Why would someone send another person flowers?” I was a bit surprised by the question. She continued, “They seem like such a waste. I mean, they are really expensive and they are going to die.” I thought about it for a minute, not sure at first how to respond. I love to send and receive flowers, so I tried to explain that the cost and short life span of such a gift are not the point. Clearly not getting my message across very well, I deci...

Posted 28 September 2017 by
Global Marketing

MBTI Type, Age, and Occupation Play a Significant Role in Workplace Happiness [Whitepaper]

New research lead by the CPP Asia Pacific office in Australia reveals personality type plays a role in workplace well-being. The study—Well-being and MBTI® Personality Type in the Workplace—investigates how differences in well-being are influenced by personality type, gender, age, geography, occupation, and activities. “Research shows that higher well-being of workers adds to a company’s bottom line,” said Martin Boult, Sr. Director of Professional Services and International Training at CPP A...

Posted 26 September 2017 by
Global Marketing

The Importance of the Order of the Sensing–Intuition Facets

When interpreting MBTI® Step II™ facet results, practitioners sometimes forget about the significance of the order of the facets. When it comes to paying attention to things, Sensing–Intuition (taking in information) people start by using a Concrete, Midzone, or Abstract approach first. They then go down the list of the remaining facets, in order: Realistic-Imaginative, Practical-Conceptual, Experiential-Theoretical, and Traditional-Original. (If you want a great team exercise i...

Posted 12 September 2017 by
Global Marketing

MBTI Step II Facets: Tough–Tender

A couple of months ago, a participant in a training program told me she thinks of his Tough behavior in terms of removing a small bandage. She said Tough behavior is like removing that bandage in one quick pull. For her, pulling the bandage off slowly only prolongs the pain. This firm approach can be effective as long as it doesn’t cross over the line and become stern. Tender behavior certainly does not intentionally prolong pain. Instead, people who report Tender believe that a kinder an...

Posted 29 August 2017 by
Global Marketing

MBTI Step II Facets: Critical–Accepting

Be prepared for some push-back from clients who report Thinking in-preference Critical on the MBTI® Step II™ assessment. The bullet-point descriptors on the MBTI® Step II™ Interpretive Report can be more direct (some say harsh) for this result than for any other. I’ve had a client get a bit argumentative about the descriptor “are argumentative.” And a participant in an MBTI® Certification Program this week sprinted across the room to the Accepting side ...

Posted 14 August 2017 by
Global Marketing

MBTI Step II Thinking-Feeling Facets: The Importance of Facet Order

If you want to start this series from the beginning, take a look at the first few blogs here, here and here. When interpreting MBTI® Step II™ Interpretive Report results, practitioners tend to forget about the importance of the order of the facets (see MBTI® Step II™ Manual, pp. 22–23). We know that the first T–F facet, Logical–Empathetic, is the starting point for decision making, with the remaining facets (Reasonable–Compassionate, Questioning&n...

Posted 02 August 2017 by
Global Marketing

Team Building with the MBTI Step II Thinking-Feeling Facets

There is just so much depth with the Thinking–Feeling facets that many people only begin to explore. During the MBTI® Certification Program, I take participants through several decision-making stages—T–F facet by T–F facet. A participant asked me this week how I keep things from getting out of hand when I go through this process with working teams. She realized that it can be a powerful experience for teams and things can get a bit heated. While I don’t feel esp...

Posted 19 July 2017 by
Global Marketing

MBTI Step II Facets: Can We Be Too Accommodating?

If you missed it, you can see the first blog post in this series here and the post on the other side of this facet, Questioning, here. I often ask people who report Accommodating on the MBTI® Step II™ Interpretive Report if they are too accommodating. Usually, the reply is a straightforward and accommodating “yes!” Accommodating people tend to pick their battles when faced with differences of opinion. As a result, they are sometimes seen as “wishy-washy” ...

Posted 05 July 2017 by
Global Marketing

MBTI Step II Questioning Facet: In-Preference and Out-of-Preference

If you missed the first blog in this series, check out the overview here. Or you can watch this video that covers all 20 MBTI Step II facets. As I mentioned previously, we're going to cover the Thinking-Feeling facets first starting with Questioning and Accommodating. This facet in particular deals with how a person responds to differences in a point of view. Questioning in-preference can come off as a bit harsh at times. I tell a story in my MBTI® Certification Program about a participant w...

Posted 20 June 2017 by
Global Marketing

MBTI Step II Facets: An Overview

In the next few blog entries I will give you my take on the MBTI® Step II™ facets. Those of you who have been through CPP’s MBTI Certification Program know what an interesting day exploring the facets in more detail can be. While the facets don’t cover every characteristic of each dichotomy, they are “important and significant subsets,” as one participant expressed it. We have to remember that the facet results don’t add up to the dichotomies, and theref...

Posted 06 June 2017 by
Global Marketing

Leadership and the Intuition–Thinking (NT) Process Pair

People with NT preferences (INTJs, INTPs, ENTPs, ENTJs) typically take a “what else can we do” approach to leadership. They tend to consider new ways to address tasks and projects, and often have an innovative mind-set that is about changing things up to make a situation better. If NT informs your leadership style, you may want to consider how this approach is affecting members of your team. Some of them may appreciate your open approach to new ideas and possibilities, but others may find wha...

Posted 30 May 2017 by
Global Marketing

Leadership and the Intuition–Feeling (NF) Process Pair

People with NF preferences (INFJs, INFPs, ENFPs, ENFJs) typically take a “let’s make a difference” approach to leadership. They consider how others can be positively affected over the long term instead of just in the present moment. In leading they tend to focus on big-picture, future-oriented ideas that can empower people to “be better.” If NF informs your leadership style, you may want to consider how this approach is affecting members of your team. Some of them may appreciate your support ...

Posted 23 May 2017 by
Global Marketing

Leadership and the Sensing–Feeling (SF) Process Pair

People with SF preferences (ISFJs, ISFPs, ESFPs, ESFJs) typically take a “thoughtful helping of others” approach to leadership. They consider how the factual information they provide (who, what when, why, where) might help others in a here-and-now way. They tend to have a supportive and practical leadership style, offering information that can be useful today instead of someday. If SF informs your leadership style, you may want to consider how this approach is affecting members of your team. ...

Posted 16 May 2017 by
Global Marketing

Leadership and the Sensing–Thinking (ST) Process Pair

People with ST preferences (ISTJs, ISTPs, ESTPs, ESTJs) typically take a “let’s get it done” approach to leadership. They want to tackle the task at hand and prefer to jump right in to get things right the first time. In fact, they are likely to be annoyed by discussion of matters that don’t directly relate to the task. They prefer to move on from anything they consider superfluous and get to what “needs” to get done. If ST informs your leadership style, you may want to consider how this appr...

Posted 11 May 2017 by
Global Marketing

Myers-Briggs Personality Types and Leadership

A couple of years back I wrote a blog series on type and leadership, and I’m now following that up with a few additional ideas focusing on the MBTI® process pairs: ST, SF, NF, and NT. While the T–F and J–P preference pairs are the ones most often explored in relation to leadership (maybe I’ll write about the TJ, TP, FJ, and FP pairs next), I still like looking at the middle letters of people’s four-letter type the most. As you consider the content of this next ...

Posted 02 May 2017 by
Global Marketing

Combining Coaching Tools: Myers-Briggs & FIRO Assessments

Originally written by Betsy Kendall and Alice King at OPP Often considered a winning combination in coaching, what is it specifically about the FIRO and MBTI assessments that adds depth and complexity to coaching? The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator looks at four aspects of our personality that combine together dynamically to capture the fundamental elements of who we are and how we are motivated. This in itself is a powerful coaching tool as it indicates our preferred ways of taking in information,...

Posted 25 April 2017 by
By Dr. Penny Moyle

Responding to Criticism of the MBTI Assessment

"As an MBTI practitioner, I encounter a lot of individual opinions and viewpoints about the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, sometimes incredibly positive and sometimes vehemently critical. When our work and methods are criticized, it is natural to want to defend oneself, but in doing so it can be difficult not to come across as rather defensive. Understanding where critics of the MBTI assessment are coming from, and how to respond to the individual points that they raise, has an important place. ...

Posted 18 April 2017 by
Vanessa Bradford, The Myers-Briggs Company

Neuroscience, psychology, and your MBTI® personality type

What’s the link between neuroscience and MBTI® personality type? We look at how neuroscience (or its successor), along with your MBTI personality type, could help achieve an even greater understanding of what it means to be human.

Posted 13 April 2017 by
Global Marketing

What if your date is just not your type? Myers-Briggs Types and Dating

What can the MBTI® tool tell us about dating? Do birds of a feather stick together, or do opposites attract? And what makes a great date for different types? We hosted a webinar a while back about MBTI Type and Relationships, but wanted to touch specifically on type and dating, especially with the rise and popularity of online dating sites. In fact, of the 54M single individuals in the US, 49M of them have tried online dating, with 16M on eHarmony and 23M members. Ironically though, a ...

Posted 04 April 2017 by
Global Marketing

Ten Recommended Books about MBTI Personality

Which books about MBTI® personality theory and type have had the biggest impact on practitioners? We posted this question on one of our LinkedIn groups a while back to discover the titles that had most impressed and inspired practitioners or been a key support in their work with the MBTI assessment. Twenty books rose to the top of the pile. Here are the first ten – in no particular order – with comments from the individual reviewers. We'll be publishing the second batch lat...

Posted 31 March 2017 by
Global Marketing

The Importance of Good Judgement - Values, Leaders & the MBTI Assessment

So many things in life rely on good judgment. We often find ourselves in situations where there are no right or wrong answers. Our final decision comes down to a matter of judgment. There are lots of examples of good judgement (and bad judgement) in current affairs right now, and it’s more complicated than just asking if someone has broken a law. We need confidence that the people we choose to represent us are going to exhibit good judgment across a whole range of important decisions. So...

Posted 07 February 2017 by
Global Marketing

Aligning Values and Culture—the Undersung Secret to Success

This article originally appeared in HRO Today's blog. To read the article on the original website, click here.  Written by Catherine Rains A successful career entails not only identifying a career that gets you excited, but also finding an organizational culture that meshes with your values. The culture of a particular company might be a product of its wider industry, or it might be unique to that organization. Either way, your “cultural fit” will have a deep impact on your success. If the fit...

Posted 05 January 2017 by
Global Marketing

What I'm Thankful For...

The cold, winter season is upon us. I absolutely love this time of year. The fog comes in a bit more often in San Jose, the leaves start falling (and falling… big thanks to our gardener Arturo for taking care of that!), and the air gets cool and crisp. California winters tend to be mild, and I’m thankful for that. With the holidays passing, it reminded me of being thankful for the little and big things that are part of our lives. I hope you all can find many things to appreciate in...

Posted 03 January 2017 by
Global Marketing

MBTI® Users Conference—Type, Interpersonal Needs, and Stress: A FIRO-B® and MBTI® Workplace Culture Connection

My breakout session took place on the second day of the conference. I was glad to see so many familiar faces in the room, although it also makes me a bit more nervous to see so many people I know when I’m presenting. However, remembering that I’m presenting for the attendees and not for myself, helps temper my nervousness. In my session I addressed the stress we all face when our interpersonal needs are not being met. What we need, combined with what we fear, can have a huge impact ...

Posted 29 December 2016 by
Rachel Ritlop

How Your Life's Mission Statement Will Guide You To Greater Work-Life Balance

This article was written by Rachel Ritlop and originally appeared on To read the article in its original format, click here.  A personal mission statement can act as your “north star” throughout the twists and turns of life . Too often, people focus on responding to the responsibilities and demands placed on them by others, such as a boss, teacher, or family member; that they ultimately forget to focus on what they are seeking in life. Often times people ignore th...

Posted 27 December 2016 by
Global Marketing

MBTI® Users Conference—“Culture Matters” Panel: Macro and Micro Perspectives

For the second year in a row, I was asked to serve as moderator for the conference-wide panel session. Now that I have a little experience with panels under my belt, I was a bit more open to the idea of being a moderator. It helps to remind myself that the moderator’s key task is to encourage the audience to pay attention to the panelists and not himself. I just had to introduce the topic and the panelists and then keep things moving along. In the end of course, that is all easier said than done...

Posted 20 December 2016 by
Global Marketing

These Bosses Want to Know Your Type

This article was written by Christine Lagorio-Chafkin and originally appeared on To read the article on the original site, click here.  Get yourself hired at Clever, a seven-year-old marketing company, and as one of the first orders of business you'll be flown out to San Francisco. You'll meet the company's founders, as well as a few colleagues. You'll start in on fairly typical on-boarding activities -- like plowing through all that HR paperwork. Then things start getting a lit...

Posted 15 December 2016 by
Global Marketing

MBTI® Users Conference—Networking and the Step II™ Receiving Facet Challenge

The conference is in full swing. Walking from session to session, I’ve come across people I have worked with in past trainings over the years. I always worry at these events that someone will come up to me and call out my name, but I won’t remember theirs. I work with so many people each year, it is hard to commit everyone’s name to memory. Just yesterday, as I waited in the hotel lobby for my room to be ready, I noticed someone looking at me. Her face was very familiar, but I wasn’t sure why. ...

Posted 13 December 2016 by
Global Marketing

MBTI® Users Conference—Creating a Culture of Clarity / It’s Not Meant to Be Predictive

And finally, Patrick Kerwin shared the criticism that the MBTI® tool is not predictive of behavior. Guess, what? It’s not meant to predict behavior. Instead, the MBTI tool is about giving us some understanding around how we take in information (Perceiving processes of S-N) and make decisions (Judging processes of T-F). Isabel Briggs Myers called this “clearer perceptions” and “sounder judgments.” If you try to apply the MBTI tool beyond that, you are oversteppin...

Posted 08 December 2016 by
Global Marketing

MBTI® Users Conference—Creating a Culture of Clarity / It Is Reliable

Patrick addressed that the criticism that the MBTI tool isn’t reliable all tracks back to one article published in 1993, before the current form was even published. Data show that test-retest reliability for the MBTI tool is actually very good. When people get a different result on the assessment from one time to the next, it is usually because they reported “slight” the first time. With a result of “slight,” you could have answered just a few questions differently ...

Posted 06 December 2016 by
Global Marketing

MBTI® Users Conference—Creating a Culture of Clarity / It Doesn’t Just Flatter You

Continuing my overview of Patrick Kerwin’s session at the MBTI® Users Conference, Patrick noted that the criticism that the MBTI® tool just flatters people was somewhat odd. Those of us who know what the MBTI tool is really about know that it’s not a diagnostic tool. It’s not even a test. “Test” implies results of good and bad, pass or fail. The MBTI descriptions may indeed seem flattering at times. All of us bring something to every situation we are in. All of us have gifts. That may seem flatt...

Posted 01 December 2016 by
Global Marketing

MBTI® Users Conference—Creating a Culture of Clarity / There is Plenty of Research

Continuing with Patrick Kerwin’s session at the MBTI® Users Conference, Patrick addressed the criticism that the MBTI assessment is not in clinical psychology journals. He noted it's not in clinical journals because it’s not a clinical tool. It doesn’t belong in clinical journals. A CPP board member didn’t use it in his published research for that very reason. His research, by the way, was on coronary disease and other health conditions. Why would he use the MBTI tool for this? There is plenty...

Posted 29 November 2016 by
Global Marketing

MBTI® Users Conference—Creating a Culture of Clarity / Some Clinical Psychology Criticism

Patrick Kerwin then addressed a criticism about the MBTI® assessment he’s heard that “clinical psychologists don’t believe in the MBTI® tool.” I didn’t get training on the MBTI tool in my clinical program. Clinical psychologists are typically trained to administer “tests” that address psychological problems. As Patrick stated, the argument that clinicians don’t use the MBTI tool is like saying “it’s hard to find an engineer who uses a plunger.” The MBTI tool is not a test, and it doesn’t ident...

Posted 25 November 2016 by
Global Marketing

MBTI® Users Conference—Creating a Culture of Clarity / Ambiverts?

Patrick also addressed the idea many have that “People are really ambiverts.” He reminded us to keep in mind that just because we use both hands to type doesn’t mean we are ambidextrous. This reminded me that when I was younger and played volleyball, I used to brag a little that I could spike with both my right and left hands. In my mind I was as lethal with either a left- or right-side attack. However, when I really thought about it and when my teammates were truthful with me, I realized I was ...

Posted 22 November 2016 by
Global Marketing

MBTI® Users Conference—Creating a Culture of Clarity / Type Dynamics

Another criticism Patrick Kerwin addressed is that “Jung even said there is no such thing as a pure Introvert.” Patrick (and I) actually agree! We all live in both the extraverted and introverted worlds. And, if you understand type dynamics, we all use a mental process in the extraverted world and a mental process in the introverted world. For example, I have preferences for INFP. I am not an Introvert. Instead, I introvert (I use this word as a verb since I don’t believe in ...

Posted 17 November 2016 by
Global Marketing

MBTI® Users Conference—Creating a Culture of Clarity / Proper Type Language

Continuing Patrick Kerwin’s session at the MBTI® Users Conference on addressing criticisms of the MBTI® tool, he noted that we sometimes hear, “The MBTI tool uses artificial binaries.” Patrick reminded us that while the MBTI tool sorts, we stress that all of us use both sides of a preference pair. We just prefer one or the other. That is why when we are using the MBTI tool, proper language is so crucial. Strictly speaking, we are not “Extraverts” or “Introverts.” Instead, we have a preference fo...

Posted 15 November 2016 by
Global Marketing

MBTI® Users Conference—Creating a Culture of Clarity

Just after lunch I attended a conference-wide session by Patrick Kerwin in which he addressed some misconceptions about the MBTI® tool. Patrick started by saying, “Doing what we do often leads to talking to strangers we meet to clarify what the MBTI tool really is. So much of this misunderstanding is misinformed.” So Patrick shared with his audience several topics related to these misunderstandings. Patrick said he sometimes hears people criticize Briggs and Myers because “They weren’t psycho...

Posted 10 November 2016 by
Global Marketing

MBTI® Users Conference—Communication Breakthroughs: The Genesis for Better Understanding of Others

The next session of the day was led by Daniel Granchanin. Daniel is a cloud platform sales engineer at Google. He was also in one of the MBTI® Certification Programs I facilitated last year. It was great to see him again and to attend his session at the conference. Daniel’s session provided tips on how Google employees hypothesize different people’s MBTI® type preferences by “reading” their body language, conversation, and communication through text, email, and so on. Daniel works with many en...

Posted 10 November 2016 by
Global Marketing

CPP Acquires UK-based OPP

We're excited to share news today that we've acquired UK-based OPP, one of Europe’s top business psychology product and services providers. By combining the talents and resources of the two companies, CPP plans to create an internationally recognized brand umbrella for its line of products and services, which includes some of the world’s most widely used psychometric assessments. Through the acquisition, the company aspires to more readily fulfill its aim of helping people be better through a de...

Posted 08 November 2016 by
Global Marketing

MBTI® Users Conference—From Diversity to Inclusion to Engagement

There was a short break in between the keynote and the first breakout session of the day. I planned my day out the night before and knew I wanted to attend Dr. Pete Hammett’s session. Dr. Hammett is the director of HR at Oklahoma Gas & Energy. In his session he asked us to consider how personality type can influence a culture of inclusion. Hammett made the point that culture is a matter of life and death at the organizations he has been a part of (including NASA and many others). He has f...

Posted 03 November 2016 by
Global Marketing

MBTI® Users Conference—The Art of Culture Hacking

The perfect way to kick off the conference was Robert Richman’s keynote. Author of The Culture Blueprint: A Guide to Building the High-Performance Workplace, Richman shared that only one-third of organizations feel that their culture is in line with their business strategy. When he asked the audience for a definition of organizational culture, he got about 30 different answers, including traditions, moods, and feelings that are encouraged or discouraged. Richman shared the idea that “experience ...

Posted 01 November 2016 by
Global Marketing

MBTI® Users Conference—A Step II™ Day

Like last year, I facilitated a full-day MBTI® Step II™ workshop. I had an engaged group of participants with varying levels of personality type knowledge, which can get tricky to facilitate. I didn’t want to go too fast and lose people just learning about type, nor did I want to go too slow and bore those who already knew a lot. However, the one thing I’ve learned over the past couple of years is that many people could use a basic MBTI type refresher. For anyone needing a ...

Posted 27 October 2016 by
Global Marketing

MBTI® Users Conference—Culture Matters

If you didn’t get a chance to attend the 2016 MBTI® Users Conference, you missed out on a wonderful event. I will do my best to help you feel like you were there by covering it in my next blog series. Similar to last year, the conference took place in San Francisco. We were at the legendary Sir Francis Drake Hotel for three days of learning, laughing, eating, and connecting. The theme of the conference was the impact the MBTI tool has on organizational culture. Speakers from every business sec...

Posted 25 October 2016 by
Global Marketing

New Ready-to-Deliver Workshops for Easier Facilitation

Designing an effective MBTI® workshop can sometimes feel a bit overwhelming. That’s why CPP created two new workshop facilitation kits—so you can focus your energy on facilitation rather than preparation. The kits come with everything you need to ensure that your training is a success: Workshop ready: Comprehensive, ready-to-deploy presentation slides and training materials with engaging visuals Comes with expert guidance: Includes facilitator notes with work...

Posted 29 September 2016 by
Global Marketing

Know Your Myers-Briggs Type? Here's How It Could Affect Your Money Decisions

This article was written by Moira Lawler and originally published on To read the article on the original website, click here. There are few of us who can resist a good personality test, whether it’s a silly one that pinpoints your spirit animal or a serious one that helps you find your true calling. That’s because getting more insight into ourselves is, at the very least, fun, and at best, seriously eye-opening. Perhaps the most well-known of the eye-opening variety is...

Posted 15 September 2016 by
Global Marketing

Companies Would Benefit from Helping People Who Prefer Introversion to Thrive

This article appeared in The Economist on Sept. 10, 2016. To read the article on the original website, click here.  MOST companies worry about discriminating against their employees on the basis of race, gender or sexual preference. But they give little thought to their shabby treatment of introverts. Carl Jung spotted the distinction between introverts and extroverts in 1921. Psychometric tests such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator consistently show that introverts make up between ...

Posted 06 September 2016 by
Global Marketing

Celebrating a 60th Wedding Anniversary—A Three-Hour Tour

Right on time, Captain Bryan appears. He drives up in a big, black Toyota Tundra, gives us all a warm greeting, and then asks us to follow him across the street through the Kawaihae Harbor security entrance. I can’t tell you how excited I am as we drive up to the edge of the harbor and see our little boat for the day. Okay, it’s not actually “our” boat, but I can pretend. It’s a medium-size catamaran, with shaded seating inside, cushy seats, and netting to lay in ...

Posted 01 September 2016 by
Global Marketing

New—MBTI® Workbook

I have facilitated many individual and group MBTI® feedback sessions during the 28 years I’ve used this amazing tool. I have also trained many people on how to deliver that feedback, and at times I’ve found that people feel a bit overwhelmed by all the steps involved. That’s why I like the new Exploring Your Myers-Briggs® Type Workbook. It gives you the exact steps you need to walk someone, whether individually or in a group, through MBTI feedback. In the workbook, yo...

Posted 16 August 2016 by
Global Marketing

Celebrating a 60th Wedding Anniversary—Step II Facets in Action

After a nice lunch in Kona (Rebel Kitchen…delicious!) we finally reach the turnoff for Waikoloa Beach. Finally. As we drive up to the entrance of the Waikoloa Beach Marriott Resort & Spa, I see Cindy (the first-born sibling in our family) walking out to greet us. Mom, Dad, and Terri visit with Cindy a couple of times a year. Sadly, I haven’t seen Cindy in almost 30 years! Kevin has never met Cindy. Time flies for sure, but I realize I need to do more to see my big sister. We hug and are a...

Posted 09 August 2016 by
Global Marketing

Celebrating a 60th Wedding Anniversary—NF Blessing, NF Curse

It's about 6:30 a.m. when we drive through the entrance of Volcano National Park. There are very few cars around, so it feels like we have the place to ourselves. I see no way to pay for entering the park, so I make a mental note to do that on the way out. We first stop at the steam vents. It is incredible to see the terrain all around us seeping steam. Terri's eyes are growing bigger and bigger as she scans everything around her. We take the short trail to one side and come upon Kilauea volcano...

Posted 04 August 2016 by
Global Marketing

Celebrating a 60th Wedding Anniversary—Lifelong Type Development with Eggs and Bacon on the Side

I'm awake early and try several times to fall back to sleep. Finally, I decide to get out of bed after hearing rustling in the room across the hall. I get up and head downstairs to start breakfast. It's 4:30 am. I get to cook! Kevin is sleeping peacefully in bed. I'm a little envious that he is able to sleep. Dad comes down first. He has been awake for a couple of hours and looks relieved that he can finally come downstairs without disturbing the house. Like me, Dad doesn’t like to be an...

Posted 02 August 2016 by
Global Marketing

Enhance Your MBTI® Step II™ Training + Free Exercises

To enhance leadership potential and help teams meet the demands of real-world challenges, it is essential that your people understand how their facet results can influence their perceptions, problem solving, and decision making. Here are two exercises that use MBTI® Step II™ results to achieve leadership development goals and build stronger teams: “Improving Leadership Performance Using MBTI® Step II™ Results” “Team Exercise: Engaging S–N Fac...

Posted 26 July 2016 by
Global Marketing

Free eBooks to Help Optimize Your MBTI® Step II™ Training

As you work with individuals to help them improve essential components of their professional development, it is important that they understand how to combine different aspects of their individual MBTI® Step II™ facet results and learn the most appropriate ways for them to flex their preferences. Here are two complimentary ebooks that offer ideas and tips for using Step II results to increase your people’s self-awareness and understanding: "How to Manage Seemingly Contradicto...

Posted 19 July 2016 by
Global Marketing

Optimize Your MBTI® Step II™ Training With a New Tool

Helping people deepen their MBTI® experience by applying Step IITM insights is an important part of what you do. Upgrade your practitioner toolbox with our new workshop facilitation kit, “Introducing MBTI® Step II™ Results.” Designed to align with the refreshed Step II reports and save you prep time, this kit includes everything you need to deliver a high-quality introductory Step II workshop: Workshop-ready: comprehensive, ready-to-deploy presentation slides and ...

Posted 08 July 2016 by
Global Marketing

Leading culture from your strengths

By Pam Fox Rollin, MBA, MBTI® Master Practitioner “Please send me an email outlining what I should do to be a good leader of culture,” requested an introverted C-level executive as we launched a major culture initiative across his organization. What would you write? Would you give him a list of generic “good leader” behaviors? Would you describe what you’d do? Or, maybe, would you tell him what you’ve seen your favorite leaders do? Let’s look at how ...

Posted 07 July 2016 by
Global Marketing

Celebrating a 60th Wedding Anniversary—Out-of-Preference Planful

Our state of bliss is then interrupted when Terri tells me that Cindy's flight has been delayed until tonight. Now, I've spent a lot of time planning this trip. In fact, I'm quite the planner. This surprises people when they learn I prefer Perceiving. My MBTI® Step I™ preferences are INFP. However, on the MBTI® Step IITM assessment, I report Expressive, out-of-preference. I also report out-of-preference on Planful, which is about leisure and long-term life events. Leisure is definitely a big p...

Posted 30 June 2016 by
Global Marketing

Celebrating a 60th Wedding Anniversary

Sitting at the departure gate in the Kona-Keahole airport in Hawaii still feels like being on vacation. The cool Hawaiian breeze and the many palm trees close-by can fool you just a little bit into not feeling sad that you are leaving. But I feel sad every time I leave these islands...every single time. I have to convince myself "I'll be back" or I know I will start to cry. Being in Hawaii is such an escape from so many of the stresses of life. While I work to honor who I am, I also spend too m...

Posted 28 June 2016 by
Global Marketing

Summer Vacation Decision Making—Introverted Feeling

To conclude this series on decision making with the MBTI® mental processes and the eight patterns of mental activity, we come to introverted Feeling (Fi), which is about making decisions in line with the inner values that guide and drive us. When deciding where you want to go on vacation this summer, consider these Fi questions: What do I want to do this summer? (This may be different than what everyone else wants to do.) What vacation options connect best with my inner values? ...

Posted 23 June 2016 by
Global Marketing

Summer Vacation Decision Making—Extraverted Feeling

We explored the Perceiving patterns of mental activity (Se, Si, Ne, Ni) and half of the Judging patterns (Te, Ti) in our search for that perfect summer vacation. It is now time to finish it off with Feeling, starting with extraverted Feeling (Fe), which is about making decisions taking into account how our decisions will affect others. As you decide where you might go for vacation this summer, consider the following Fe questions: What will I do to include the ideas of others who may join us...

Posted 21 June 2016 by
Global Marketing

Summer Vacation Decision Making—Introverted Thinking

Continuing with the Judging patterns of mental activity in our quest for the perfect summer vacation, we come next to introverted Thinking (Ti), which is about creating internal order and logic to find the “correct” answer to problems. As you continue to think about where you might go for vacation this summer, consider the following Ti questions: What’s right and wrong with the choices I’m considering? (Allow yourself to be critical.) What’s wrong with the ...

Posted 16 June 2016 by
Global Marketing

Summer Vacation Decision Making—Extraverted Thinking

I have spent time in the past several posts highlighting the importance of different ways to take in information (Perceiving). Once that has happened, it’s time to evaluate that information. If this doesn’t happen, then usually nothing gets done, no vacation plans will be made. Evaluating information is about using Thinking and Feeling. Extraverted Thinking (Te) helps us evaluate that information in a logical and objective way. As you think about where you might go for vacation thi...

Posted 14 June 2016 by
Global Marketing

Summer Vacation Decision Making—Introverted Intuition

In my previous post I covered extraverted Intuition. It’s now time to address introverted Intuition (Ni). While there is a similar focus on big-picture possibilities, introverted Intuition most often helps us perceive the big picture as it relates to long-term possibilities. As you think about where you might go for vacation this summer, consider the following Ni questions: What is the most unique and unusual vacation experience I can imagine? What would be a vacation that I would...

Posted 09 June 2016 by
Global Marketing

Summer Vacation Decision Making—Extraverted Intuition

Once you have spent time considering the facts and details during decision making (more about that in our previous blog post here), it’s important to consider the possibilities beyond the “what is.” Extraverted Intuition (Ne) most often helps us consider the possibilities beyond what is right in front of us and what we have learned from the past. As you think about where you might go for vacation this summer, consider the following Ne questions: How can I keep my options o...

Posted 07 June 2016 by
Global Marketing

Summer Vacation Decision Making—Introverted Sensing

Of course, using Sensing plays a huge role in any decision we make regardless of our preferences. In my previous post I covered extraverted Sensing. It’s now time to address introverted Sensing (Si). While it indicates a similar focus on facts and details, introverted Sensing most often perceives those facts and details as they relate to specifics from the past. As you think about where you might go for vacation this summer, consider the following Si questions: Where have I gone on va...

Posted 03 June 2016 by
Global Marketing

Summer Vacation Decision Making—Extraverted Sensing

When I think about the best decisions I have made in my life, it usually comes down to taking a more balanced approach to whatever I’m deciding. That balanced approach often comes easier when we consider using all four of our mental processes (Sensing, Intuition, Thinking, and Feeling) along with the attitudes of each (Extraversion and Introversion). Put that all together and you get the eight MBTI® patterns of mental activity (Se, Si, Ne, Ni, Te, Ti, Fe, Fi). If you want to read more ...

Posted 01 June 2016 by
Global Marketing

I’m Back and Summer Is Almost Here!

Hello, everyone. I’m back and writing again after my very busy travel schedule has finally slowed down just a little. Thanks so much to Mathew David Pauley for filling in on my blog duties with his very insightful writing. I loved reading his posts as I traveled from city to city. I’m going to continue Mathew’s emphasis on the mental processes in this next blog series. As I sit back and get ready to write once more, I’m a bit startled by how fast the year is going by. It ...

Posted 27 May 2016 by
Global Marketing

Type at the Family Conference Table: In the Grip

Written by Mathew David Pauley, JD, MA, MDR This is the final post in my 10-part blog series, “Type at the Family Conference Table,” and I would like to begin by thanking CPP for a great collaboration throughout my participation in the MBTI® Certification Program and throughout these posts. Certification Trainer Michael Segovia and his team went out of their way to assist me during the program (which was sort of a birthday present), increasing the pressure for me to have the...

Posted 13 May 2016 by
Global Marketing

Type at the Family Conference Table: Introverted Thinking

Written by Mathew David Pauley, JD, MA, MDR Dispassionate objectivity can seem out of place in environments such as hospitals, where passions can run high. And thus we come to Introverted Thinking types: ISTPs and INTPs. For them the goal is to understand, and they will be quick to let you know that true understanding can be clouded by “erratic” emotions mucking things up. Reportedly, Introverted Thinking types confront catastrophe with the same air of detachment with which they...

Posted 10 May 2016 by
Global Marketing

High Growth IT Services Company Utilizes CPI 260 to Achieve Talent Management Objectives

Iris Software has emerged as one of the fastest growing small business IT companies in its industry today, with revenues clocking a compounded annual growth rate of more than 35% in the past three years. Headquartered in Edison, New Jersey, Iris also has offices in New York City and Stamford, Connecticut; and an offshore development center in New Delhi, India, all of which lend to their round-the-clock support abilities and global, diverse employee base. In the areas of high qual...

Posted 21 April 2016 by
Global Marketing

How to Decide on Management Styles for Your Company

This article was written by Chuck Cohn. It was originally published in Forbes Magazine on April 6, 2016. To read the article on the original site, click here.  A leader’s management style is sometimes thought of as inherent, but in truth, it is partially dictated by circumstance. There is no one approach that works for all people and all tasks in all situations. The most successful managers are flexible and use a wide range of styles appropriately. But what does “appropriately&...

Posted 21 April 2016 by
Global Marketing

Farming, Leadership Development and the TKI Tool

“Farming is a profession of hope.” ― Brian Brett [Author] In 1919, a small group of farmers from 30 states gathered in Chicago. Their goal – speaking for themselves and representing the needs and issues of fellow farmers through their own national organization. Not long after that initial meeting, the American Farm Bureau Federation became the voice of agriculture at the national level. “The purpose of Farm Bureau is to make the business of farming more profitable, ...

Posted 14 April 2016 by
Global Marketing

3 Simple, Brilliant Ways Introverts Can Conquer Public Speaking

This article was written by Damon Brown and published in Inc. Magazine. To read the article in its original format, click here.  I am an introvert, but I am also a TED Speaker. I prefer solitude, but I love connecting with other people. It's less a contradiction and more the complex nature of introverted leaders. I can count Zuckerberg, Dorsey, and Ev as contemporaries, so it's good company. That said, leadership often requires commanding an audience, whether it be at a sold out conference...

Posted 07 April 2016 by
Global Marketing

Harnessing Diverse Personalities to Move Your Career Forward

Written by Catherine Rains and originally posted in To read the article on that website, click here.  There’s a human tendency to hire people like ourselves, and organizations have not made great strides in cultivating diversity in areas such as decision making, communication style, or problem solving. In fact, data that the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) assessment publisher, CPP, has been collecting for decades show that people of the same personality type tend to hold similar job...

Posted 05 April 2016 by
Global Marketing

4 Exclusive Secrets of the Myers-Briggs Tool

By Damon Brown, Entrepreneur and author, "Our Virtual Shadow". Originally published by INC. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator has been a standard personality measurement for decades, but it's really come into vogue recently as Susan Cain and other thought leaders encourage us to understand the benefits of introverted leadership. In the just-announced Influence Research Project, Myers-Briggs owner CPP has "new research showing that MBTI personality type is intricately connected ...

Posted 24 March 2016 by
Global Marketing

Common Criticisms of the MBTI are Misguided

Written for Psychology Today by John A. Johnson, Ph.D. Click here to read the full article in Psychology Today:  The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and its spin-offs are among the most popular personality inventories in the world. The MBTI is widely used in organizational workshops to demonstrate how people with similar or different personalities interact with each other. Hundreds of thousands of people have enjoyed discovering their personality typ...

Posted 17 March 2016 by
Global Marketing

Trapped in an Unfulfilling Job? How to Find Out What You Want to Do

This article originally appeared in HuffPost Business and was written by Karen Naumann, Organizational Psychologist. To read the article in its original format, click here.  Lately, I’ve been talking to quite a lot of people of all ages, and I’ve noticed a common theme: unhappiness with their choice of job in some way, wishing they had done something else, but don’t know what they would want to do instead. Okay, every once in awhile I guess it’s safe to say that eve...

Posted 17 March 2016 by
Global Marketing

Introducing the Next Wave of Refreshed MBTI® Products!

Helping clients improve how they communicate, learn, and work is at the heart of what you do. As the Myers-Briggs® experts, it’s CPP's job to provide you with the tools and resources you need to transform the lives of others. That’s why they’ve refreshed these four popular MBTI® products to make them more engaging and compelling than ever before. Features include a new design and improved layout, updated type language, additional graphic elements, and more. MBTI&re...

Posted 10 March 2016 by
Global Marketing

The Biggest Discoveries from the MBTI Influence Research Project

While the authors (Damian Killen, founder of the Irish training and development consultancy Thrive, and Rich Thompson, CPP Divisional Director of Research) presented portions of the Influence Research Project’s findings last year at CPP’s MBTI® Users Conference in San Francisco, we know that not everyone was able to attend that event, so we've put together a webinar to give you a chance to examine the results of this study in their entirety! The webinar that will unveil...

Posted 02 February 2016 by
Global Marketing

16 Types in the Workplace

I’ve started off 2016 with a lot on my plate. I earned my Foundations of Dialogue Education Certification while also facilitating several MBTI® and FIRO® workshops. It has been a fun and busy way to get the year going, and I don’t see it letting up. That’s a good thing! In a recent training I was asked by a participant, “Which four preferences contribute most to an organization?” Interesting question I thought, before answering, “Any preference can c...

Posted 28 January 2016 by
Global Marketing

JDSU Uses Personality Typology during Management Empowerment Camps

By Michael Segovia, Lead MBTI Certification Trainer. This case study originally appears in Industrial and Commercial Training Magazine here.  Abstract Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to gauge the success of optical product maker JDSU’s effort to engage Human Resources as a strategic partner in building an international company culture using training in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator to bring diverse teams together with a common management language for...

Posted 26 January 2016 by
Global Marketing

Is It Over Already?

It has been a great three days (one day of pre-conference and two days in conference). The final conference session was a keynote by Wayne Cascio, Reynolds Distinguished Chair in Global Leadership, titled “Workplace Challenges: What’s Next?” This was a perfect end to the conference, and it offered great insight on what is coming down the pike. Topics addressed included: Extreme longevity—people are living longer; by 2025 the number of people over the age of 60 will incre...

Posted 21 January 2016 by
Global Marketing

I’m Next! Part 2

First and foremost, of course, we need to honor the preferences we have been born with. Then, it’s important to consider using the opposite side as appropriate. If you want some ideas on how to do this, check out the “Type and Problem Solving” section of the Introduction to Myers-Briggs® Type booklet (pp. 50 and 51) for questions covering each of the four mental processes (S, N, T, and F). Also included in the section are four steps to remember when problem solving: St...

Posted 19 January 2016 by
Global Marketing

I’m Next!

Day 2 of the MBTI® Users Conference is filled with so much wonderful content. It was great to hear about how Procter & Gamble started as a company in 1837 making soap and candles, and today it does so much more—while encouraging openness and diversity along the way. DiversityInc lists P&G as one of the top 10 companies for global diversity, and HRC gives it a perfect score of 100. The MBTI assessment is a big part of its “honoring differences” approach. While I hav...

Posted 14 January 2016 by
Global Marketing

MBTI® Tool and Influencing—The Power of the Mental Processes

I slept well and was excited about what day 2 of the MBTI® Users Conference would bring. The first session of the day was an exciting keynote by Damian Killen, Founder & Managing Director at Thrive, and Rich Thompson, Divisional Director of Research at CPP. The session was titled “MBTI®—The Missing Piece in the Influencing Jigsaw.” Anyone who attended the conference received a very informative and snazzy white paper on influencing, based on current research from 2...

Posted 12 January 2016 by
Global Marketing

Connecting with Food and Drink

I often dread conference end-of-the-day social events. This evening of the first day of the conference provided just this kind of opportunity. So after the last session of the day I went up to my room and read, sat quietly, and read a little to build back my energy before tonight’s event. Once ready, I took the elevator down to the lobby floor and I admit thinking, “The longer I wait, the more likely there will be people there I can latch onto.” And...there were. The event tu...

Posted 07 January 2016 by
Global Marketing

MBTI® Criticism

Time has just flown by—I’m at the last breakout session of the day. Aidan Millar is sharing ideas on how to answer criticism of the MBTI® assessment. Usually when people criticize the MBTI tool they don’t really know what it does and does not do. Aidan did a nice job of clarifying how to deal with such criticism, focusing on reputation, refinement, and relevance. When it comes to reputation, the MBTI tool is the most widely used personality tool in the world. Most Fortune 1...

Posted 05 January 2016 by
Global Marketing

Type and Influence

The mid-afternoon session on day 1 of the MBTI® Users Conference offered another three sessions to choose from. I went to Bernie Goldstein’s session titled “Influencing the Buyers’ Journey with the MBTI® Type and Other Assessments.” Bernie’s session focused on how to apply the MBTI tool and other assessments to better understand the client experience. The importance of flexing to the needs of our customers is of course key. That means a good amount of self...
