Holiday stress & personality: Tips for each MBTI type

Posted 17 December 2021 by
Melissa Summer

Home Alone. A Christmas Story. It’s a Wonderful Life. What do all these movies have in common (aside from taking place during the holiday season)?

Stressful situations!

While this time of year can be fun, festive and a great time to catch up on sleep, for many people it also brings undesired stress from lack of time, to the pressure to give gifts, to travel and burnout from holiday parties (especially social burnout for those with preferences for Introversion). And all the hustle and bustle can take a toll on your employee’s mental health.

Download the How to deal with holiday stress according to your MBTI type infographic here.

Holiday stress thumbnail

Add the recent COVID-19 pandemic, and normal holiday travel can also become more stressful.

In fact, more people will be flying this year compared to the 2020 holiday season. And with many employees working from home, the previous work-life balance lines that existed because of separate homes and offices aren’t there anymore. For many hybrid workers, personal holiday stress can creep into their work life.

The good news?

Knowing your Myers-Briggs personality type can help people figure out stress triggers and potential remedies based on their personality preferences.

By paying attention to stress triggers, employees will not only better manage stress when it happens during the holidays but even predict what situations might cause the most stress for them personally. Then they can plan to incorporate tactics, behaviors and time for the things that reduce holiday stress.

Here are the types of behaviors and situations that’re likely to cause stress around the holidays for each of the 16 MBTI types:

Holiday stress by Myers-Briggs personality type

What causes holiday stress for ISTJ types?

What causes holiday stress for ISFJ types?

What causes holiday stress for INFJ types?

What causes holiday stress for INTJ types?

What causes holiday stress for ISTP types?

What causes holiday stress for ISFP types?

What causes holiday stress for INFP types?

What causes holiday stress for INTP types?

What causes holiday stress for ESTP types?

What causes holiday stress for ESFP types?

What causes holiday stress for ENFP types?

What causes holiday stress for ENTP types?

What causes holiday stress for ESTJ types?

What causes holiday stress for ESFJ types?

What causes holiday stress for ENFJ types?

What causes holiday stress for ENTJ types?

How to reduce holiday stress

There are multiple ways that you can reduce stress. And that includes holiday stress. A few of the stress remedies listed below work for all personality types. For personalized stress remedies, check out the MBTI Holiday Stress infographic here. As you read through these stress reducers, think about times in your life when you were stressed, and what sort of things helped you feel more calm.

The first way to reduce stress that helps every one of the 16 MBTI types is to move around.

"Exercise relaxes tense muscles that become tight and rigid when you experience stress. It delivers oxygen to the brain, vital organs, and muscles immediately and produces endorphins that soothe your mind and body," says Kathleen Hall, chief executive of The Stress Institute in Atlanta, Georgia.

What sort of things count as moving around? Consider going for a walk. If you prefer Introversion, it may stress you less to go on a walk alone (or with a furry friend) than with company. Those with preferences for Introversion are energized by spending time alone, and lots of socializing with family and friends and holiday parties can take a toll on their well-being. Even a short 5 minute walk down the street and back has positive benefits. If you prefer Extraversion, why not gather a few people together for a game of frisbee, a walk, or even an impromptu dance party in the kitchen? Extraverts are energized by spending time with others, so if holiday stress is looming in your horizon, consider an active get together.

Want to learn the holiday stress remedies for each MBTI type? Download the Holiday Stress Infographic here.

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator can tell you more than just your stress triggers. It also can help people become better leaders, communicate better, reduce conflict, and build teams to be their most productive together.

Want to get certified to administer the MBTI assessment to your teams or employees? Learn more about MBTI Certification Programs here.
