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Personality Matters Blog
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Confidence, Extraversion & Understanding – What Helps You The Most?
Written in collaboration with John Hackston, Head of Thought Leadership at OPP Politicians are known for their confidence, but sometimes this can get them into hot water (I’m sure that you can think of some recent examples). You can probably think of a time where you saw someone who seemed to use confidence to cover up a lack of ability. But confidence isn’t just important for politicians, as this article by Laura Barton points out. Women tend to be less confident in their abiliti...
Global Marketing
Showing Appreciation—ENFJ
In this series I’m delving into how each of the 16 types approaches being thankful. If you want to read a little about your own preferences ahead of time, feel free to visit this link: share.themyersbriggs.com/. Today’s type: ENFJ. You likely encourage and show appreciation for others regularly and openly. But remember, some people prefer to be appreciated privately. That description is about the warm and enthusiastic approach often displayed by individuals who prefer ENFJ. Being ...
Global Marketing
MBTI® Users Conference—Creating a Culture of Clarity / Type Dynamics
Another criticism Patrick Kerwin addressed is that “Jung even said there is no such thing as a pure Introvert.” Patrick (and I) actually agree! We all live in both the extraverted and introverted worlds. And, if you understand type dynamics, we all use a mental process in the extraverted world and a mental process in the introverted world. For example, I have preferences for INFP. I am not an Introvert. Instead, I introvert (I use this word as a verb since I don’t believe in ...
Global Marketing
Celebrating a 60th Wedding Anniversary—INFP Preferences in Overdrive
The drive over goes by quickly, though at one point the rain and wind at 4,000 feet up is a little scary. Our destination is thankfully much closer to sea level, and by the time we get to the town of Volcano the rain stops. All around us is nothing but green...wet green trees, bushes, and moss. This is my second time to Volcano, and I’m so happy to be back. The driveway to our Airbnb home welcomes us down a curved passageway to finally come to a stop next to the large house. It has been ...
Global Marketing
Celebrating a 60th Wedding Anniversary—Extraverted Intuition Meets Introverted Sensing
Hawaii (the Big Island) is like no other Hawaiian island. It has so many different landscapes from one part to the next. As we drive along the newly renovated Senator Daniel Inouye Highway, patches of lava rock intermingle with plants and small trees. We pass a few small neighborhoods as well and dream as we see an occasional “For Sale” sign. As soon as we got on a straightaway, I was sure everyone in the back seat will be sound asleep. Instead, we are all wide awake, looking around and not want...
Global Marketing
Summer Vacation Decision Making—Extraverted Feeling
We explored the Perceiving patterns of mental activity (Se, Si, Ne, Ni) and half of the Judging patterns (Te, Ti) in our search for that perfect summer vacation. It is now time to finish it off with Feeling, starting with extraverted Feeling (Fe), which is about making decisions taking into account how our decisions will affect others. As you decide where you might go for vacation this summer, consider the following Fe questions: What will I do to include the ideas of others who may join us...
Global Marketing
Summer Vacation Decision Making—Extraverted Thinking
I have spent time in the past several posts highlighting the importance of different ways to take in information (Perceiving). Once that has happened, it’s time to evaluate that information. If this doesn’t happen, then usually nothing gets done, no vacation plans will be made. Evaluating information is about using Thinking and Feeling. Extraverted Thinking (Te) helps us evaluate that information in a logical and objective way. As you think about where you might go for vacation thi...
Global Marketing
Summer Vacation Decision Making—Introverted Intuition
In my previous post I covered extraverted Intuition. It’s now time to address introverted Intuition (Ni). While there is a similar focus on big-picture possibilities, introverted Intuition most often helps us perceive the big picture as it relates to long-term possibilities. As you think about where you might go for vacation this summer, consider the following Ni questions: What is the most unique and unusual vacation experience I can imagine? What would be a vacation that I would...
Global Marketing
Summer Vacation Decision Making—Extraverted Intuition
Once you have spent time considering the facts and details during decision making (more about that in our previous blog post here), it’s important to consider the possibilities beyond the “what is.” Extraverted Intuition (Ne) most often helps us consider the possibilities beyond what is right in front of us and what we have learned from the past. As you think about where you might go for vacation this summer, consider the following Ne questions: How can I keep my options o...
Global Marketing
Summer Vacation Decision Making—Introverted Sensing
Of course, using Sensing plays a huge role in any decision we make regardless of our preferences. In my previous post I covered extraverted Sensing. It’s now time to address introverted Sensing (Si). While it indicates a similar focus on facts and details, introverted Sensing most often perceives those facts and details as they relate to specifics from the past. As you think about where you might go for vacation this summer, consider the following Si questions: Where have I gone on va...
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- 2024
- December (4)
November (6)
- How to use the MBTI assessment with the Strong assessment
- Why knowing your personality type is critical to a growth mindset
- Should personality assessments be used in hiring?
- How personality type affects team performance and job satisfaction
- The Psychology of Leadership
- Why self-awareness is not enough
- October (3)
- September (5)
August (7)
- Targeted Leadership Development and Succession Planning through CPI 260 Certification
- Working Across Cultures
- Enhancing communication in teams
- Can you pick up 3 pieces of litter?
- Unlocking Team and Leadership Potential through FIRO Certification
- Awards Spotlight: The Myers-Briggs Company
- Overcoming team communication challenges
- July (3)
- June (3)
- May (1)
- April (3)
- March (2)
- February (1)
- January (5)
- December (2)
- November (4)
October (7)
- Finding a Career with Purpose
- The New TKI® Team Report
- What are the new sources of conflict at work?
- How to build a more effective hybrid workplace
- Get the latest research on conflict at work
- Conflict at work: What are your options?
- Galderma Skincare Uses the MBTI® Tool to Navigate Major Company Change
- September (2)
- August (4)
- May (2)
- March (5)
- February (1)
- 2021
- 2020
- 2019
- October (1)
- August (1)
- July (1)
- June (2)
May (4)
- Leveraging Your Personality Type for Stress Management During the Job Interview Process
- For an Authentic, Effective Job Interview, You Must First Understand Your Own Personality Type (Part II)
- For an Authentic, Effective Job Interview, You Must First Understand Your Own Personality Type
- Effects and Causes of Conflict Among Employees
- December (1)
- November (3)
- October (3)
- September (4)
- August (3)
- July (4)
- June (3)
May (6)
- Leadership and the Intuition–Feeling (NF) Process Pair
- Leadership and the Sensing–Feeling (SF) Process Pair
- Leadership and the Sensing–Thinking (ST) Process Pair
- Myers-Briggs Personality Types and Leadership
- Webinar: Build the Workforce of Tomorrow
- Combining Coaching Tools: Myers-Briggs & FIRO Assessments
- April (4)
- March (5)
- February (8)
January (9)
- Showing Appreciation—INFP
- Showing Appreciation—ISFP
- Showing Appreciation—ISTP
- Showing Appreciation—INTJ
- Showing Appreciation—INFJ
- Showing Appreciation—ISFJ
- Showing Appreciation—ISTJ
- What I'm Thankful For...
- MBTI® Users Conference—Type, Interpersonal Needs, and Stress: A FIRO-B® and MBTI® Workplace Culture Connection
December (10)
- How Your Life's Mission Statement Will Guide You To Greater Work-Life Balance
- MBTI® Users Conference—“Culture Matters” Panel: Macro and Micro Perspectives
- Appreciating Family During the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!
- These Bosses Want to Know Your Type
- MBTI® Users Conference—Networking and the Step II™ Receiving Facet Challenge
- Using the MBTI in Education in the Way It Was Designed
- MBTI® Users Conference—Creating a Culture of Clarity / It’s Not Meant to Be Predictive
- MBTI® Users Conference—Creating a Culture of Clarity / It Is Reliable
- MBTI® Users Conference—Creating a Culture of Clarity / It Doesn’t Just Flatter You
- MBTI® Users Conference—Creating a Culture of Clarity / There is Plenty of Research
November (9)
- MBTI® Users Conference—Creating a Culture of Clarity / Some Clinical Psychology Criticism
- MBTI® Users Conference—Creating a Culture of Clarity / Ambiverts?
- MBTI® Users Conference—Creating a Culture of Clarity / Type Dynamics
- MBTI® Users Conference—Creating a Culture of Clarity / Proper Type Language
- MBTI® Users Conference—Creating a Culture of Clarity
- MBTI® Users Conference—Communication Breakthroughs: The Genesis for Better Understanding of Others
- CPP Acquires UK-based OPP
- MBTI® Users Conference—The Art of Culture Hacking
- MBTI® Users Conference—A Step II™ Day
October (9)
- MBTI® Users Conference—Culture Matters
- New Ready-to-Deliver Workshops for Easier Facilitation
- Washington State DOT Gives Green Light for Leadership Training with the CPI 260 Tool
- Celebrating a 60th Wedding Anniversary—Conclusion
- Celebrating a 60th Wedding Anniversary—The Second Goodbye
- Celebrating a 60th Wedding Anniversary—The First Goodbye
- Celebrating a 60th Wedding Anniversary—Learning How to Use My Inborn Preferences
- Celebrating a 60th Wedding Anniversary—A Sensing vs. Intuition Challenge
- Celebrating a 60th Wedding Anniversary—ISFJ in Action
September (10)
- Know Your Myers-Briggs Type? Here's How It Could Affect Your Money Decisions
- Celebrating a 60th Wedding Anniversary—Love Is in the Air
- Celebrating a 60th Wedding Anniversary—Loco Moco
- Celebrating a 60th Wedding Anniversary—Live in the Moment
- Companies Would Benefit from Helping People Who Prefer Introversion to Thrive
- Celebrating a 60th Wedding Anniversary—Perceiving Is Alive and Well
- Celebrating a 60th Wedding Anniversary—The Krakken
- Allianz Global Improves Leadership, Teamwork with the FIRO-B Tool
- Celebrating a 60th Wedding Anniversary—A Three-Hour Tour
- New—MBTI® Workbook
August (9)
- Celebrating a 60th Wedding Anniversary—Early Morning and Ready to Go
- Celebrating a 60th Wedding Anniversary—Dining by the Sea
- Celebrating a 60th Wedding Anniversary—A Life of Love
- Celebrating a 60th Wedding Anniversary—My Preferences Do Not Limit My Behavior
- Celebrating a 60th Wedding Anniversary—Step II Facets in Action
- Celebrating a 60th Wedding Anniversary—Step II™ Planful, Out-of-Preference
- Celebrating a 60th Wedding Anniversary—NF Blessing, NF Curse
- Celebrating a 60th Wedding Anniversary—Lifelong Type Development with Eggs and Bacon on the Side
- Enhance Your MBTI® Step II™ Training + Free Exercises
July (10)
- Celebrating a 60th Wedding Anniversary—Father’s Day Too!
- Free eBooks to Help Optimize Your MBTI® Step II™ Training
- Executive Office of the President Uses FIRO-B for Team Development
- Celebrating a 60th Wedding Anniversary—INFP Preferences in Overdrive
- Optimize Your MBTI® Step II™ Training With a New Tool
- Celebrating a 60th Wedding Anniversary—Extraverted Intuition Meets Introverted Sensing
- Celebrating a 60th Wedding Anniversary—Day One Adventure
- Leading culture from your strengths
- Celebrating a 60th Wedding Anniversary—Out-of-Preference Planful
- Celebrating a 60th Wedding Anniversary—We Have Arrived!
June (14)
- Celebrating a 60th Wedding Anniversary
- Summer Vacation Decision Making—Introverted Feeling
- American Red Cross Uses CPI 260 Tool to Identify Leadership Potential
- Summer Vacation Decision Making—Extraverted Feeling
- Summer Vacation Decision Making—Introverted Thinking
- Summer Vacation Decision Making—Extraverted Thinking
- Fortune 500 Chemicals Co. Increases Team Efficiency Up to 20% Using TKI Tool
- Summer Vacation Decision Making—Introverted Intuition
- Summer Vacation Decision Making—Extraverted Intuition
- Summer Vacation Decision Making—Introverted Sensing
- Putting E–I and S–N together to support student success, Part 3
- Summer Vacation Decision Making—Extraverted Sensing
- USC Marshall School of Business Finds Students 75% More Engaged with Strong Interest Inventory
- I’m Back and Summer Is Almost Here!
May (10)
- Type at the Family Conference Table: In the Grip
- Type at the Family Conference Table: Introverted Intuition
- Type at the Family Conference Table: Extraverted Sensing
- Type at the Family Conference Table: Extraverted Feeling
- Type at the Family Conference Table: Introverted Thinking
- Type at the Family Conference Table: Extraverted Intuition
- High Growth IT Services Company Utilizes CPI 260 to Achieve Talent Management Objectives
- Type at the Family Conference Table: Introverted Sensing
- UMMS Professionals Give Patients Top Care While UMMS Cares for Professionals with FIRO-B
- Type at the Family Conference Table: Introverted Feeling
April (10)
- Anderson University Career Services Finds Success with Strong Tool
- Type at the Family Conference Table: Extraverted Thinking
- Type at the Family Conference Table
- How to Decide on Management Styles for Your Company
- Farming, Leadership Development and the TKI Tool
- 16 Types in the Workplace—ENTJ
- 3 Simple, Brilliant Ways Introverts Can Conquer Public Speaking
- 16 Types in the Workplace—ENFJ
- Harnessing Diverse Personalities to Move Your Career Forward
- 4 Exclusive Secrets of the Myers-Briggs Tool
March (15)
- 16 Types in the Workplace—ESFJ
- 16 Types in the Workplace— ESTJ
- “I’m Both!”
- Square Pegs in Round Holes
- Common Criticisms of the MBTI are Misguided
- 16 Types in the Workplace—ENTP
- Career Ready, Career Strong
- Trapped in an Unfulfilling Job? How to Find Out What You Want to Do
- Introducing the Next Wave of Refreshed MBTI® Products!
- 16 Types in the Workplace—ENFP
- The Biggest Discoveries from the MBTI Influence Research Project
- 16 Types in the Workplace—ESFP
- 16 Types in the Workplace—ESTP
- Clarifying Clarity
- 16 Types in the Workplace—INTP
- February (9)
January (9)
- JDSU Uses Personality Typology during Management Empowerment Camps
- Is It Over Already?
- I’m Next! Part 2
- Gender and the Strong Interest Inventory®: Two of the Most Common Questions
- I’m Next!
- MBTI® Tool and Influencing—The Power of the Mental Processes
- Connecting with Food and Drink
- MBTI® Criticism
- Type and Influence
December (10)
- 2013