Personality Matters Blog

Posted 07 February 2017 by
Global Marketing

Aligning Values and Culture—the Undersung Secret to Success

This article originally appeared in HRO Today's blog. To read the article on the original website, click here.  Written by Catherine Rains A successful career entails not only identifying a career that gets you excited, but also finding an organizational culture that meshes with your values. The culture of a particular company might be a product of its wider industry, or it might be unique to that organization. Either way, your “cultural fit” will have a deep impact on your success. If the fit...

Posted 03 January 2017 by
Global Marketing

MBTI® Users Conference—Type, Interpersonal Needs, and Stress: A FIRO-B® and MBTI® Workplace Culture Connection

My breakout session took place on the second day of the conference. I was glad to see so many familiar faces in the room, although it also makes me a bit more nervous to see so many people I know when I’m presenting. However, remembering that I’m presenting for the attendees and not for myself, helps temper my nervousness. In my session I addressed the stress we all face when our interpersonal needs are not being met. What we need, combined with what we fear, can have a huge impact ...

Posted 27 December 2016 by
Global Marketing

MBTI® Users Conference—“Culture Matters” Panel: Macro and Micro Perspectives

For the second year in a row, I was asked to serve as moderator for the conference-wide panel session. Now that I have a little experience with panels under my belt, I was a bit more open to the idea of being a moderator. It helps to remind myself that the moderator’s key task is to encourage the audience to pay attention to the panelists and not himself. I just had to introduce the topic and the panelists and then keep things moving along. In the end of course, that is all easier said than done...

Posted 13 December 2016 by
Global Marketing

MBTI® Users Conference—Creating a Culture of Clarity / It’s Not Meant to Be Predictive

And finally, Patrick Kerwin shared the criticism that the MBTI® tool is not predictive of behavior. Guess, what? It’s not meant to predict behavior. Instead, the MBTI tool is about giving us some understanding around how we take in information (Perceiving processes of S-N) and make decisions (Judging processes of T-F). Isabel Briggs Myers called this “clearer perceptions” and “sounder judgments.” If you try to apply the MBTI tool beyond that, you are oversteppin...

Posted 08 December 2016 by
Global Marketing

MBTI® Users Conference—Creating a Culture of Clarity / It Is Reliable

Patrick addressed that the criticism that the MBTI tool isn’t reliable all tracks back to one article published in 1993, before the current form was even published. Data show that test-retest reliability for the MBTI tool is actually very good. When people get a different result on the assessment from one time to the next, it is usually because they reported “slight” the first time. With a result of “slight,” you could have answered just a few questions differently ...

Posted 06 December 2016 by
Global Marketing

MBTI® Users Conference—Creating a Culture of Clarity / It Doesn’t Just Flatter You

Continuing my overview of Patrick Kerwin’s session at the MBTI® Users Conference, Patrick noted that the criticism that the MBTI® tool just flatters people was somewhat odd. Those of us who know what the MBTI tool is really about know that it’s not a diagnostic tool. It’s not even a test. “Test” implies results of good and bad, pass or fail. The MBTI descriptions may indeed seem flattering at times. All of us bring something to every situation we are in. All of us have gifts. That may seem flatt...

Posted 29 November 2016 by
Global Marketing

MBTI® Users Conference—Creating a Culture of Clarity / Some Clinical Psychology Criticism

Patrick Kerwin then addressed a criticism about the MBTI® assessment he’s heard that “clinical psychologists don’t believe in the MBTI® tool.” I didn’t get training on the MBTI tool in my clinical program. Clinical psychologists are typically trained to administer “tests” that address psychological problems. As Patrick stated, the argument that clinicians don’t use the MBTI tool is like saying “it’s hard to find an engineer who uses a plunger.” The MBTI tool is not a test, and it doesn’t ident...

Posted 25 November 2016 by
Global Marketing

MBTI® Users Conference—Creating a Culture of Clarity / Ambiverts?

Patrick also addressed the idea many have that “People are really ambiverts.” He reminded us to keep in mind that just because we use both hands to type doesn’t mean we are ambidextrous. This reminded me that when I was younger and played volleyball, I used to brag a little that I could spike with both my right and left hands. In my mind I was as lethal with either a left- or right-side attack. However, when I really thought about it and when my teammates were truthful with me, I realized I was ...

Posted 03 November 2016 by
Global Marketing

MBTI® Users Conference—The Art of Culture Hacking

The perfect way to kick off the conference was Robert Richman’s keynote. Author of The Culture Blueprint: A Guide to Building the High-Performance Workplace, Richman shared that only one-third of organizations feel that their culture is in line with their business strategy. When he asked the audience for a definition of organizational culture, he got about 30 different answers, including traditions, moods, and feelings that are encouraged or discouraged. Richman shared the idea that “experience ...

Posted 27 October 2016 by
Global Marketing

MBTI® Users Conference—Culture Matters

If you didn’t get a chance to attend the 2016 MBTI® Users Conference, you missed out on a wonderful event. I will do my best to help you feel like you were there by covering it in my next blog series. Similar to last year, the conference took place in San Francisco. We were at the legendary Sir Francis Drake Hotel for three days of learning, laughing, eating, and connecting. The theme of the conference was the impact the MBTI tool has on organizational culture. Speakers from every business sec...
