Personality Matters Blog

Posted 23 May 2017 by
Global Marketing

Leadership and the Sensing–Feeling (SF) Process Pair

People with SF preferences (ISFJs, ISFPs, ESFPs, ESFJs) typically take a “thoughtful helping of others” approach to leadership. They consider how the factual information they provide (who, what when, why, where) might help others in a here-and-now way. They tend to have a supportive and practical leadership style, offering information that can be useful today instead of someday. If SF informs your leadership style, you may want to consider how this approach is affecting members of your team. ...

Posted 27 May 2016 by
Global Marketing

Type at the Family Conference Table: In the Grip

Written by Mathew David Pauley, JD, MA, MDR This is the final post in my 10-part blog series, “Type at the Family Conference Table,” and I would like to begin by thanking CPP for a great collaboration throughout my participation in the MBTI® Certification Program and throughout these posts. Certification Trainer Michael Segovia and his team went out of their way to assist me during the program (which was sort of a birthday present), increasing the pressure for me to have the...

Posted 14 January 2016 by
Global Marketing

MBTI® Tool and Influencing—The Power of the Mental Processes

I slept well and was excited about what day 2 of the MBTI® Users Conference would bring. The first session of the day was an exciting keynote by Damian Killen, Founder & Managing Director at Thrive, and Rich Thompson, Divisional Director of Research at CPP. The session was titled “MBTI®—The Missing Piece in the Influencing Jigsaw.” Anyone who attended the conference received a very informative and snazzy white paper on influencing, based on current research from 2...

Posted 05 January 2016 by
Global Marketing

Type and Influence

The mid-afternoon session on day 1 of the MBTI® Users Conference offered another three sessions to choose from. I went to Bernie Goldstein’s session titled “Influencing the Buyers’ Journey with the MBTI® Type and Other Assessments.” Bernie’s session focused on how to apply the MBTI tool and other assessments to better understand the client experience. The importance of flexing to the needs of our customers is of course key. That means a good amount of self...
