Personality Matters Blog

Posted 07 June 2016 by
Global Marketing

Summer Vacation Decision Making—Introverted Sensing

Of course, using Sensing plays a huge role in any decision we make regardless of our preferences. In my previous post I covered extraverted Sensing. It’s now time to address introverted Sensing (Si). While it indicates a similar focus on facts and details, introverted Sensing most often perceives those facts and details as they relate to specifics from the past. As you think about where you might go for vacation this summer, consider the following Si questions: Where have I gone on va...

Posted 03 June 2016 by
Global Marketing

Summer Vacation Decision Making—Extraverted Sensing

When I think about the best decisions I have made in my life, it usually comes down to taking a more balanced approach to whatever I’m deciding. That balanced approach often comes easier when we consider using all four of our mental processes (Sensing, Intuition, Thinking, and Feeling) along with the attitudes of each (Extraversion and Introversion). Put that all together and you get the eight MBTI® patterns of mental activity (Se, Si, Ne, Ni, Te, Ti, Fe, Fi). If you want to read more ...

Posted 25 May 2016 by
Global Marketing

Type at the Family Conference Table: Introverted Intuition

Written by Mathew David Pauley, JD, MA, MDR INTJs and INFJs, Introverted Intuitive types, tend to be big-picture, well-organized individuals who can bring both qualities to bear as they work toward their goals. They are often known for their uncanny insight and ability to anticipate things before they happen. However, unlike individuals with a preference for Perceiving, who typically are ready to respond to the unexpected and flex to meet new challenges, INTJs and INFJs would rather dimini...

Posted 19 May 2016 by
Global Marketing

Type at the Family Conference Table: Extraverted Sensing

Written by Mathew David Pauley, JD, MA, MDR Leaving the hospital is often wrought with anxiety for family members faced with numerous things they must address for the patient. Hospitals are staffed with highly trained and highly attentive teams of caregivers, so the prospect of a loved one leaving the relative's safety with the hospital can be nerve wracking. Even moving from one unit to another within the same hospital is often cause for concern. That said, everyone who enters a hospital ...

Posted 23 February 2016 by
Global Marketing

16 Types in the Workplace—ISFP

The people I know with preferences for ISFP often take a values-based approach to solving problems that our work projects need. Their favorite mental process, introverted Feeling (Fi), sometimes helps them understand how the decisions being made in the course of a project reflect the values and needs of people in the organization. This gift can sometimes help organizations determine what really matters beyond what is simply accepted as logical. This favorite process is backed up by their second ...

Posted 18 February 2016 by
Global Marketing

16 Types in the Workplace—ISTP

The few people I know with preferences for ISTP often provide a hands-on approach to solving problems that our work projects need. Their favorite mental process, introverted Thinking (Ti), helps them quickly analyze the pros and cons so we can “cut to the chase.” This gift can sometimes help organizations implement practical solutions, as long as these individuals are encouraged to share their sometimes detailed and sequential approach. This favorite process is backed up by their second favorite...
