Personality Matters Blog

Posted 21 June 2024 by
Kevin Wood, Global Marketing

Take 3 For the Sea Case Study

Charity team handles switch to remote work using MBTI insights

Posted 18 June 2024 by
Melissa Summer

All About Extraversion – New Podcast Episode

In this episode of The Myers-Briggs Company Podcast, we’re joined by Catherine Ellwood. Catherine Ellwood is an Occupational Psychologist with over 18 years’ experience in people development.

Posted 22 May 2024 by
Kevin Wood, Global Marketing

Talking psychometrics with the Start, Scale, Grow podcast

Talent selection, remote working, and psychological safety are among the topics covered on the Start, Scale, Grow podcast with consulting psychologist Cameron Nott

Posted 20 May 2024 by
Lucy Bellec, Trainer with The Myers-Briggs Company

What motivates different people?

Leaders need to be able to motivate their people—but how? In this extract from Psychology of Leadership, Lucy Bellec explores the complexities of motivation

Posted 23 April 2024 by
Kevin Wood

How sustainable do you think you are?

New research from The Myers-Briggs Company shares how MBTI® personality type affects views on sustainability and environmentally-focused organizations.

Posted 17 April 2024 by
Kevin Wood, Global Marketing

Well-being, Stress, and Resilience – New Podcast Episode

Season 3 of the podcast! In episode 1, chartered occupational psychologist Melissa Hill dives deep into well-being and resilience.

Posted 21 March 2024 by
Ralph Kilmann

Resolving Internal Conflicts

Part 4/4: Can the TKI model help with internal conflict? Ralph H. Kilmann, co-author of the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI®), shows which mode works best

Posted 08 March 2024 by
Melissa Summer

MBTI-centered Leadership Development Helps 16,000 Nurses Improve Patient Care

In hierarchical workplace environments like those found in the healthcare industry, leadership and communication skills can often be overlooked as a determinant of patient care in favor of processes, resource allocation and effi-ciency of operational systems.

Posted 04 March 2024 by
Ralph H. Kilmann

The Big Picture and Conflict Management

Part 3/4: Using a Big Picture model, Ralph H. Kilmann, co-author of the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI®), shows how to evaluate and manage conflict

Posted 28 February 2024 by
Ralph Kilmann

The Avoiding Culture in Organizations

Part 2/4: Ralph H. Kilmann, co-author of the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI®), tries alternative TKI questions to get the true picture about the avoiding culture in organizations

Posted 15 February 2024 by
Global Marketing

Can MBTI training help a criminal justice organization function better?

New case study shows role of MBTI® self-awareness in organizational reform

Posted 13 February 2024 by
John Hackston, The Myers-Briggs Company

Key Workplace Trends of 2024 Affecting Talent Development

Six areas to explore in the year ahead.

Posted 13 February 2024 by
Ralph H. Kilmann

Cultural norms and conflict modes

What are cultural norms and how do they affect how people manage conflict? Get in-depth insights from Ralph H. Kilmann, co-author of the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI®), on the nuances of using and interpreting the TKI instrument in this blog.

Posted 29 January 2024 by
Vanessa Bradford

How Australia Post used MBTI personality type to build trust and increase productivity

Managers have a lot on their plate – from exceeding customer expectations to taking care of their employees. This blog explains how sales and operations managers at Australia Post improved company success by using the MBTI personality assessment to build trust and collaboration.

Posted 29 December 2023 by
Melissa Summer

Myers Briggs Test Online

How can you take the famous Myers Briggs test online? Is it the same as the MBTI test? Learn more here.

Posted 28 December 2023 by
Melissa Summer

World Introvert Day: Introversion in-depth

Can you be an extraverted Introvert? What’re the differences between Introverts? Do ambiverts exist? Does Introversion look different in different cultures? In honor of World Introvert Day, listen to this podcast episode that dives into Introversion in-depth with MBTI expert and chartered psychologist John Hackston.

Posted 27 December 2023 by
Melissa Summer

The MBTI® Step II™ Assessment - Uncovering the DNA of personality type

What is the MBTI Step II and what are facets? Learn more about uncovering the DNA of personality type in this blog.

Posted 21 December 2023 by
Kevin Wood, The Myers-Briggs Company

Can you be an extraverted Introvert?

Why introverts can be louder than you expect.

Posted 29 November 2023 by
Kevin Wood, The Myers-Briggs Company

How to use the MBTI assessment with the Strong assessment

Learn where interests and personality type combine to improve career planning.

Posted 20 November 2023 by
Global Marketing

Why knowing your personality type is critical to a growth mindset

If people think ability is innate, it could be holding them back.

Posted 20 November 2023 by
Global Marketing

Should personality assessments be used in hiring?

How to decide if and when to include personality assessments in the selection process.

Posted 16 November 2023 by
Global Marketing

How personality type affects team performance and job satisfaction

New research sends clear message to team leaders

Posted 07 November 2023 by
Melissa Summer

The Psychology of Leadership

What're the psychological factors that contribute to great leadership? How is active self-awareness helpful to leaders? Listen to this episode with leadership expert and business psychology consultant Cameron Nott to learn more.

Posted 03 November 2023 by
Kevin Wood, The Myers-Briggs Company

Why self-awareness is not enough

Business psychology experts weigh in on leadership and people development in organizations.

Posted 23 October 2023 by
Kevin Wood, The Myers-Briggs Company

People have forgotten how to work with each other

Our consultants share the workplace trends and topics they’re hearing about.

Posted 18 October 2023 by
Melissa Summer

Career Transitions and Job Fit

What’s the best way to approach career transitions? How are these transitions different during early, mid and end career stages? Listen to this podcast for all things career.

Posted 03 October 2023 by
Global Marketing

Why and how innovative organizations welcome conflict

Effective conflict management is a pillar of high-performing organizations.

Posted 21 September 2023 by
Vanessa Bradford, Contributing Writer

Uncover the (in)visible elements of team success

There are many psychological factors that affect team success. This article helps managers and leaders understand how those factors affect performance – and why the MBTI personality assessment is one of the best opportunities for growth.

Posted 19 September 2023 by
Melissa Summer, The Myers-Briggs Company

Parenting and Personality Type

How does your MBTI personality type affect your parenting style? What’s the best way to parent a child who has different personality preferences from yours? Listen to this episode of The Myers-Briggs Company Podcast to find out!

Posted 15 September 2023 by
Vanessa Bradford, Contributing Writer

Leadership wake-up call: how’s your team’s orientation?

In the workplace, there are hidden elements that can make or break team success. This blog post helps managers and leaders understand the importance of team orientation – and the role inclusive leadership plays in boosting it.

Posted 07 September 2023 by
Vanessa Bradford, Contributing Writer

To build better teams, start by building trust

At work, there are hidden elements that can make or break team success. This blog post helps managers and leaders understand how inclusion – and inclusive leadership – cultivates the trust and psychological safety that teams need to be effective.

Posted 05 September 2023 by
Kevin Wood

The worst thing about teams? Poor leaders

New research explores team performance, job satisfaction, and the role of personality type

Posted 23 August 2023 by
Melissa Summer

Targeted Leadership Development and Succession Planning through CPI 260 Certification

The CPI 260 assessment enables HR and talent development professionals to find and develop high-potential employees, making it an essential tool for your investment in employee training and development.

Posted 22 August 2023 by
Melissa Summer, The Myers-Briggs Company

Working Across Cultures

What are the biggest challenges people face working across cultures? Listen to this episode of The Myers-Briggs Company Podcast with Frank Garten, cross-cultural expert and global leadership trainer to learn how to mitigate cultural challenges and improve communication.

Posted 17 August 2023 by
Melissa Summer

Enhancing communication in teams

In this post we explore practical strategies for improving team communication and recommend tips to improve how team members interact on the job.

Posted 09 August 2023 by
Kevin Wood, The Myers-Briggs Company

Can you pick up 3 pieces of litter?

How micro habits are key to the environmental mission of our new charity partner, Take 3 for the Sea

Posted 07 August 2023 by
Melissa Summer and Kevin Wood

Unlocking Team and Leadership Potential through FIRO Certification

In the ever-evolving landscape of HR and training and development, organizations are recognizing the significance of assessments in unlocking individual and team potential. Among these assessments, the Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation™ (FIRO®) assessment stands out as a powerful tool for team development and leadership growth.

Posted 07 August 2023 by
Melissa Summer

Awards Spotlight: The Myers-Briggs Company

At the beginning of this year, The Myers-Briggs Company was notified of multiple awards it had won from various agencies, recognizing our excellence and effort in areas from psychometric testing and measurement to social and environmental impact as an organization.

Posted 03 August 2023 by
Melissa Summer

Overcoming team communication challenges

In this post, based on an interview with Myers-Briggs Professional Services Principal Consultant and Depth Psychologist Dr. Marta Koonz, we discuss communication in teams, the psychological needs of teams, and their impact on collaboration.

Posted 25 July 2023 by
Melissa Summer

Psychological Needs of Teams

In this episode of The Myers-Briggs Company Podcast, we’re joined by Dr. Marta Koonz, Principal Consultant for The Myers-Briggs Company, as she walks us through insights around using psychological needs to better work relationships and improve teamwork.
