Personality Matters Blog

Posted 12 June 2023 by
Sherrie Haynie, Senior Director of US Professional Services for The Myers-Briggs Company

How stress and personality type affect leader’s risk tolerance & decision-making

How stress and personality type affect leader’s risk tolerance & decision-making

Posted 09 February 2023 by
Vanessa Bradford

Measuring the behaviors of successful, inclusive leaders with the FIRO-B tool

Did you know that interpersonal behaviors can be measured in an objective way? Through the FIRO-B® assessment, HR professionals and leadership consultants can check how well a person's behaviors cultivate inclusion and success in the workplace.

Posted 06 February 2023 by
Global Marketing

Inclusion is a priority, but how do leaders actually become inclusive?

Research shows there’s a self-perception gap when leaders assess their inclusion efforts

Posted 20 December 2022 by
Global Marketing

Will Gen Z usher in a new generation of work-related conflict?

Awareness of different approaches to conflict could help multi-generational workforces understand each other and work together better.

Posted 19 December 2022 by
Melissa Summer

Inclusive Leadership

Why aren’t leaders as inclusive as they think? Listen to the latest podcast episode from The Myers-Briggs Company featuring Dr. Rachel Cubas-Wilkinson.

Posted 26 October 2022 by
Melissa Summer

Finding a Career with Purpose

Career expert and coach Julie Gross shares her tips for finding a career with purpose in this episode of The Myers-Briggs Company Podcast.

Posted 05 October 2022 by
Global Marketing

How to build a more effective hybrid workplace

Paying closer attention to employee needs is the way to make remote, in-office, and hybrid teams function better.

Posted 28 September 2022 by
Melissa Summer

Connecting with the people you lead

Dr. Martin Boult shares his expertise on leadership and connection in this episode of The Myers-Briggs Company Podcast.

Posted 24 August 2022 by
Melissa Summer

Psychology of Change

What is change management and why does it matter for organizations?

Posted 24 August 2022 by
Melissa Summer

Leadership, Extraversion & Introversion

What should leaders be aware of about these well-known personality differences?

Posted 24 August 2022 by
Melissa Summer

Conflict Management

How can conflict management save organizations money?

Posted 02 March 2022 by
Melissa Summer

Using interpersonal needs to make the hybrid model work for teams

Is it possible to get the best of both worlds with hybrid work?

Posted 26 August 2020 by
Melissa Summer, Global Content Marketing Manager, The Myers-Briggs Company

Leading while Black and Introverted

Jeri Bingham hosts the Hush Loudly podcast on WGN Radio in Chicago. Her podcast interviews a myriad of successful people who have preferences for Introversion about their experiences in their life and work. Recently, Jeri hosted a panel for the Chicago State Foundation titled “Leading While Black and Introverted” and The Myers-Briggs Company’s Dr. Rachel Cubas-Wilkinson was started by laying the foundation for understanding personality type and Introversion. “People with...

Posted 01 July 2020 by
Rachel Cubas-Wilkinson, Senior Consultant, The Myers-Briggs Company

Use the platinum rule for better workplace relationships

You've probably heard of the golden rule? With personality insight, you now need the platinum rule...

Posted 17 June 2020 by
Claire Bremner, Principal Consultant, The Myers-Briggs Company

Self Awareness, Leadership and Organizational Success

What can self-awareness in your company's leaders contribute to organizational success? 

Posted 26 May 2020 by
Claire Bremner, Principal Consultant, The Myers-Briggs Company

Missing this one thing makes team collaboration impossible

What's the key ingredient to team collaboration? This second piece on leadership will show you...

Posted 28 April 2020 by
Nikhita Blackburn, Thought Leadership Lead Consultant, The Myers-Briggs Company

Are Leaders More Stressed Than Everyone Else?

Are those at the top strained more than everyone else?

Posted 25 March 2020 by
Catherine Ellwood, Principle Consultant, The Myers-Briggs Company

Building trust through transparency

How openness and predictability make teams more effective...

Posted 03 March 2020 by
Claire Bremner, Principal Consultant, The Myers-Briggs Company

Why is Self-awareness Important for Leadership

Every organization has leaders. But how self-aware are your leaders? Here's why you should care...

Posted 03 March 2020 by
Claire Bremner, Principal Consultant, The Myers-Briggs Company

Top 10 Leadership Development Books

Every organization has leaders. But how self-aware are your leaders? Here's why you should care...

Posted 14 January 2020 by
Melissa Summer

Leadership’s First Commandment from Harvard Business Review

What does Harvard Business Review say is the "first commandment of leadership"?

Posted 07 August 2019 by
Shana Lebowitz, Business Insider

The "Freakishly Accurate" Leadership Assessment

"I took a personality test to assess my leadership potential and it was freakishly accurate..."

Posted 17 August 2018 by
By Sherrie Haynie

How Association Leaders Can Use Assertiveness Gracefully

This article originally appeared on the Center for Association Leadership website. Assertiveness is both valued and lamented in contemporary business culture. Whether assertiveness is a vice or virtue, it can be used as a highly calculated tool for specific situations. For association executives, assertiveness can play a two-faced role. As an organizational attitude, it can be alienating to members, but the skill can also be invaluable for advocating on behalf of members and one’s industr...

Posted 12 December 2017 by
Global Marketing

Confidence, Extraversion & Understanding – What Helps You The Most?

Written in collaboration with John Hackston, Head of Thought Leadership at OPP Politicians are known for their confidence, but sometimes this can get them into hot water (I’m sure that you can think of some recent examples). You can probably think of a time where you saw someone who seemed to use confidence to cover up a lack of ability. But confidence isn’t just important for politicians, as this article by Laura Barton points out. Women tend to be less confident in their abiliti...

Posted 10 October 2017 by
Global Marketing

MBTI Step II Facets: Realistic–Imaginative

A colleague came into my office one day and asked me, “Why would someone send another person flowers?” I was a bit surprised by the question. She continued, “They seem like such a waste. I mean, they are really expensive and they are going to die.” I thought about it for a minute, not sure at first how to respond. I love to send and receive flowers, so I tried to explain that the cost and short life span of such a gift are not the point. Clearly not getting my message across very well, I deci...

Posted 06 June 2017 by
Global Marketing

Leadership and the Intuition–Thinking (NT) Process Pair

People with NT preferences (INTJs, INTPs, ENTPs, ENTJs) typically take a “what else can we do” approach to leadership. They tend to consider new ways to address tasks and projects, and often have an innovative mind-set that is about changing things up to make a situation better. If NT informs your leadership style, you may want to consider how this approach is affecting members of your team. Some of them may appreciate your open approach to new ideas and possibilities, but others may find wha...

Posted 30 May 2017 by
Global Marketing

Leadership and the Intuition–Feeling (NF) Process Pair

People with NF preferences (INFJs, INFPs, ENFPs, ENFJs) typically take a “let’s make a difference” approach to leadership. They consider how others can be positively affected over the long term instead of just in the present moment. In leading they tend to focus on big-picture, future-oriented ideas that can empower people to “be better.” If NF informs your leadership style, you may want to consider how this approach is affecting members of your team. Some of them may appreciate your support ...

Posted 23 May 2017 by
Global Marketing

Leadership and the Sensing–Feeling (SF) Process Pair

People with SF preferences (ISFJs, ISFPs, ESFPs, ESFJs) typically take a “thoughtful helping of others” approach to leadership. They consider how the factual information they provide (who, what when, why, where) might help others in a here-and-now way. They tend to have a supportive and practical leadership style, offering information that can be useful today instead of someday. If SF informs your leadership style, you may want to consider how this approach is affecting members of your team. ...

Posted 16 May 2017 by
Global Marketing

Leadership and the Sensing–Thinking (ST) Process Pair

People with ST preferences (ISTJs, ISTPs, ESTPs, ESTJs) typically take a “let’s get it done” approach to leadership. They want to tackle the task at hand and prefer to jump right in to get things right the first time. In fact, they are likely to be annoyed by discussion of matters that don’t directly relate to the task. They prefer to move on from anything they consider superfluous and get to what “needs” to get done. If ST informs your leadership style, you may want to consider how this appr...

Posted 11 May 2017 by
Global Marketing

Myers-Briggs Personality Types and Leadership

A couple of years back I wrote a blog series on type and leadership, and I’m now following that up with a few additional ideas focusing on the MBTI® process pairs: ST, SF, NF, and NT. While the T–F and J–P preference pairs are the ones most often explored in relation to leadership (maybe I’ll write about the TJ, TP, FJ, and FP pairs next), I still like looking at the middle letters of people’s four-letter type the most. As you consider the content of this next ...
