Personality Matters Blog

Posted 23 May 2018 by
Global Marketing

For an Authentic, Effective Job Interview, You Must First Understand Your Own Personality Type (Part II)

In my previous blog, I discussed how you can leverage your preferences for either introversion or extraversion – preferences based on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) – to present an authentic version of yourself during a job interview. Today, I’ll dive a little deeper and talk about how to leverage the other aspects of your personality type to improve your odds of getting a job that is an excellent fit for you. Before I begin, it’s important to remember the conc...

Posted 26 September 2017 by
Global Marketing

The Importance of the Order of the Sensing–Intuition Facets

When interpreting MBTI® Step II™ facet results, practitioners sometimes forget about the significance of the order of the facets. When it comes to paying attention to things, Sensing–Intuition (taking in information) people start by using a Concrete, Midzone, or Abstract approach first. They then go down the list of the remaining facets, in order: Realistic-Imaginative, Practical-Conceptual, Experiential-Theoretical, and Traditional-Original. (If you want a great team exercise i...

Posted 12 September 2017 by
Global Marketing

MBTI Step II Facets: Tough–Tender

A couple of months ago, a participant in a training program told me she thinks of his Tough behavior in terms of removing a small bandage. She said Tough behavior is like removing that bandage in one quick pull. For her, pulling the bandage off slowly only prolongs the pain. This firm approach can be effective as long as it doesn’t cross over the line and become stern. Tender behavior certainly does not intentionally prolong pain. Instead, people who report Tender believe that a kinder an...

Posted 29 August 2017 by
Global Marketing

MBTI Step II Facets: Critical–Accepting

Be prepared for some push-back from clients who report Thinking in-preference Critical on the MBTI® Step II™ assessment. The bullet-point descriptors on the MBTI® Step II™ Interpretive Report can be more direct (some say harsh) for this result than for any other. I’ve had a client get a bit argumentative about the descriptor “are argumentative.” And a participant in an MBTI® Certification Program this week sprinted across the room to the Accepting side ...

Posted 14 August 2017 by
Global Marketing

MBTI Step II Thinking-Feeling Facets: The Importance of Facet Order

If you want to start this series from the beginning, take a look at the first few blogs here, here and here. When interpreting MBTI® Step II™ Interpretive Report results, practitioners tend to forget about the importance of the order of the facets (see MBTI® Step II™ Manual, pp. 22–23). We know that the first T–F facet, Logical–Empathetic, is the starting point for decision making, with the remaining facets (Reasonable–Compassionate, Questioning&n...

Posted 02 August 2017 by
Global Marketing

Team Building with the MBTI Step II Thinking-Feeling Facets

There is just so much depth with the Thinking–Feeling facets that many people only begin to explore. During the MBTI® Certification Program, I take participants through several decision-making stages—T–F facet by T–F facet. A participant asked me this week how I keep things from getting out of hand when I go through this process with working teams. She realized that it can be a powerful experience for teams and things can get a bit heated. While I don’t feel esp...

Posted 19 July 2017 by
Global Marketing

MBTI Step II Facets: Can We Be Too Accommodating?

If you missed it, you can see the first blog post in this series here and the post on the other side of this facet, Questioning, here. I often ask people who report Accommodating on the MBTI® Step II™ Interpretive Report if they are too accommodating. Usually, the reply is a straightforward and accommodating “yes!” Accommodating people tend to pick their battles when faced with differences of opinion. As a result, they are sometimes seen as “wishy-washy” ...

Posted 31 January 2017 by
Global Marketing

Showing Appreciation—INFP

In this series I’m delving into how each of the 16 types approaches being thankful. If you want to read a little about your own preferences ahead of time, feel free to visit this link: Today’s type: INFP. You may think that work well done is its own reward. Others may need more verbal encouragement and support. That description relates to the “get-it-done” attitude often displayed by individuals who prefer ESTJ. For them, checking things off th...

Posted 26 January 2017 by
Global Marketing

Showing Appreciation—ISFP

In this series I’m delving into how each of the 16 types approaches being thankful. If you want to read a little about your own preferences ahead of time, feel free to visit this link: Today’s type: ISFP. You may think that work well done is its own reward. Others may need more verbal encouragement and support. That description relates to the “get-it-done” attitude often displayed by individuals who prefer ESTJ. For them, checking things off th...

Posted 17 January 2017 by
Global Marketing

Showing Appreciation—INFJ

In this series I’m delving into how each of the 16 types approaches being thankful. If you want to read a little about your own preferences ahead of time, feel free to visit this link: Today’s type: INFJ. You may think that work well done is its own reward. Others may need more verbal encouragement and support. That description relates to the “get-it-done” attitude often displayed by individuals who prefer ESTJ. For them, checking things off th...

Posted 12 January 2017 by
Global Marketing

Showing Appreciation—ISFJ

In this series I’m delving into how each of the 16 types approaches being thankful. If you want to read a little about your own preferences ahead of time, feel free to visit this link: Today’s type: ISFJ. You may think that work well done is its own reward. Others may need more verbal encouragement and support. That description relates to the “get-it-done” attitude often displayed by individuals who prefer ESTJ. For them, checking things off th...

Posted 22 November 2016 by
Global Marketing

MBTI® Users Conference—Creating a Culture of Clarity / Type Dynamics

Another criticism Patrick Kerwin addressed is that “Jung even said there is no such thing as a pure Introvert.” Patrick (and I) actually agree! We all live in both the extraverted and introverted worlds. And, if you understand type dynamics, we all use a mental process in the extraverted world and a mental process in the introverted world. For example, I have preferences for INFP. I am not an Introvert. Instead, I introvert (I use this word as a verb since I don’t believe in ...

Posted 30 June 2016 by
Global Marketing

Celebrating a 60th Wedding Anniversary

Sitting at the departure gate in the Kona-Keahole airport in Hawaii still feels like being on vacation. The cool Hawaiian breeze and the many palm trees close-by can fool you just a little bit into not feeling sad that you are leaving. But I feel sad every time I leave these islands...every single time. I have to convince myself "I'll be back" or I know I will start to cry. Being in Hawaii is such an escape from so many of the stresses of life. While I work to honor who I am, I also spend too m...

Posted 28 June 2016 by
Global Marketing

Summer Vacation Decision Making—Introverted Feeling

To conclude this series on decision making with the MBTI® mental processes and the eight patterns of mental activity, we come to introverted Feeling (Fi), which is about making decisions in line with the inner values that guide and drive us. When deciding where you want to go on vacation this summer, consider these Fi questions: What do I want to do this summer? (This may be different than what everyone else wants to do.) What vacation options connect best with my inner values? ...

Posted 23 June 2016 by
Global Marketing

Summer Vacation Decision Making—Extraverted Feeling

We explored the Perceiving patterns of mental activity (Se, Si, Ne, Ni) and half of the Judging patterns (Te, Ti) in our search for that perfect summer vacation. It is now time to finish it off with Feeling, starting with extraverted Feeling (Fe), which is about making decisions taking into account how our decisions will affect others. As you decide where you might go for vacation this summer, consider the following Fe questions: What will I do to include the ideas of others who may join us...

Posted 16 June 2016 by
Global Marketing

Summer Vacation Decision Making—Extraverted Thinking

I have spent time in the past several posts highlighting the importance of different ways to take in information (Perceiving). Once that has happened, it’s time to evaluate that information. If this doesn’t happen, then usually nothing gets done, no vacation plans will be made. Evaluating information is about using Thinking and Feeling. Extraverted Thinking (Te) helps us evaluate that information in a logical and objective way. As you think about where you might go for vacation thi...

Posted 03 June 2016 by
Global Marketing

Summer Vacation Decision Making—Extraverted Sensing

When I think about the best decisions I have made in my life, it usually comes down to taking a more balanced approach to whatever I’m deciding. That balanced approach often comes easier when we consider using all four of our mental processes (Sensing, Intuition, Thinking, and Feeling) along with the attitudes of each (Extraversion and Introversion). Put that all together and you get the eight MBTI® patterns of mental activity (Se, Si, Ne, Ni, Te, Ti, Fe, Fi). If you want to read more ...

Posted 01 June 2016 by
Global Marketing

I’m Back and Summer Is Almost Here!

Hello, everyone. I’m back and writing again after my very busy travel schedule has finally slowed down just a little. Thanks so much to Mathew David Pauley for filling in on my blog duties with his very insightful writing. I loved reading his posts as I traveled from city to city. I’m going to continue Mathew’s emphasis on the mental processes in this next blog series. As I sit back and get ready to write once more, I’m a bit startled by how fast the year is going by. It ...

Posted 27 May 2016 by
Global Marketing

Type at the Family Conference Table: In the Grip

Written by Mathew David Pauley, JD, MA, MDR This is the final post in my 10-part blog series, “Type at the Family Conference Table,” and I would like to begin by thanking CPP for a great collaboration throughout my participation in the MBTI® Certification Program and throughout these posts. Certification Trainer Michael Segovia and his team went out of their way to assist me during the program (which was sort of a birthday present), increasing the pressure for me to have the...

Posted 13 May 2016 by
Global Marketing

Type at the Family Conference Table: Introverted Thinking

Written by Mathew David Pauley, JD, MA, MDR Dispassionate objectivity can seem out of place in environments such as hospitals, where passions can run high. And thus we come to Introverted Thinking types: ISTPs and INTPs. For them the goal is to understand, and they will be quick to let you know that true understanding can be clouded by “erratic” emotions mucking things up. Reportedly, Introverted Thinking types confront catastrophe with the same air of detachment with which they...
