Inclusive Leadership: Harnessing Diversity of Thought Workshop

Inclusive Leadership: Harnessing Diversity of Thought
Diverse organizations make better decisions and perform better. But only 31% of employees think their leaders promote an inclusive team environment.* This is a problem because it discourages diversity and the benefits diversity brings.

Inclusive Leadership: Harnessing Diversity of Thought teaches leaders the behaviors and skills needed to drive a culture of inclusion and enhance performance, a fundamental part of any successful DE&I strategy. Leaders deep dive into “diversity of thought”—how people differ in their perceptions, experiences, backgrounds, work styles, values, and personality types.

They’ll work through the core competency model for practicing inclusion to build self-awareness and inspire change. The workshop also reveals how to recognize one’s bias and productively work through conflict that can arise from differences.

*Gartner (2019)


  • Virtual
  • Instructor-led
  • Three 2-hour sessions + pre-work
  • For groups of 4–20 people


  • MBTI®Complete assessment and three-page Type Description report
  • Participant toolkit
  • Myers-Briggs® App
  • 25-item Inclusive Leadership Self-Evaluation tool


  • Varies depending on number of workshops and participants. Contact us for details.

How it works

The Inclusive Leadership workshop can be scheduled on its own or as a follow-up workshop for managers and leaders who have already completed the MBTI Essentials Workshop from the MBTI Virtual Live Series.

Diagram Inclusive Leadership Infograph

Learning outcomes

  • Understanding of different personality types and how to get the best from them
  • Knowledge of how to consult a wider, more representative range of perspectives
  • Knowledge of how to make employees of all personality types and diverse ways of thinking feel included, trusted, and valued

Who is it for

  • Executive leaders

  • Managers

  • DE&I specialists

  • HR managers

  • Rising stars/high potentials

  • Project managers

  • Informal leaders

  • Influential individual contributors

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