Personality Matters Blog

Posted 19 December 2022 by
Melissa Summer

Inclusive Leadership

Why aren’t leaders as inclusive as they think? Listen to the latest podcast episode from The Myers-Briggs Company featuring Dr. Rachel Cubas-Wilkinson.

Posted 08 November 2022 by
Melissa Summer

The psychological, emotional, and financial value of training & development

4 min read. If you’re in human resources, have a learning and development position, or are an independent trainer or consultant in these areas, you probably know the value of planned training and development initiatives for your employees. But when economies slow and budgets tighten, the training and development budget is often one of the first things to be cut. Why? Compared to manufacturing, sales, and other revenue generating parts of the business, many leaders have a hard time recogni...

Posted 24 August 2022 by
Melissa Summer

Psychology of Change

What is change management and why does it matter for organizations?

Posted 20 May 2022 by
Melissa Summer

Social contracts, returning to the office and retaining your people in the new hybrid workplace

As employees return to the office, they’re expecting more flexibility in their social contracts with employers. How can HR help?

Posted 02 March 2022 by
Melissa Summer

Using interpersonal needs to make the hybrid model work for teams

Is it possible to get the best of both worlds with hybrid work?

Posted 28 December 2021 by
Kevin Wood

Introversion 2.0: Why we need to reshape the way we work

The last two years have caused a major shift in how we work. And for some, it's been an Introvert's paradise. Here's what all managers and Introverted employees should know to work at their best...

Posted 16 December 2021 by
Melissa Summer

Using personality assessments for team building

How can personality assessments like the MBTI tool help teams work together more effectively and understand each other better?

Posted 17 July 2020 by
John Hackston, Head of Thought Leadership, The Myers-Briggs Company

Survivor guilt and the aftermath of lockdown

The lockdown caused by the Covid-19 virus has forced most organizations into a place that has many similarities with downsizing. How do these layoffs and furloughs affect employees that remain working?

Posted 12 May 2020 by
John Hackston, Head of Thought Leadership, The Myers-Briggs Company

Inclusion, Diversity and Personality: Where Should Organizations Focus Most?

Inclusion can mean different things depending on the context. Which definition should company's focus on? 

Posted 05 March 2019 by
Melissa Summer

The Psychology of Change

Most people want their businesses to grow. Or at least their bottom line to grow. But there’s an important part of business growth that’s often overlooked – change. Learn more about the psychology of change and how it affects your workforce, as well as about the complimentary Psychology of Change events happening in your area. 

Posted 06 June 2017 by
Global Marketing

Leadership and the Intuition–Thinking (NT) Process Pair

People with NT preferences (INTJs, INTPs, ENTPs, ENTJs) typically take a “what else can we do” approach to leadership. They tend to consider new ways to address tasks and projects, and often have an innovative mind-set that is about changing things up to make a situation better. If NT informs your leadership style, you may want to consider how this approach is affecting members of your team. Some of them may appreciate your open approach to new ideas and possibilities, but others may find wha...

Posted 30 May 2017 by
Global Marketing

Leadership and the Intuition–Feeling (NF) Process Pair

People with NF preferences (INFJs, INFPs, ENFPs, ENFJs) typically take a “let’s make a difference” approach to leadership. They consider how others can be positively affected over the long term instead of just in the present moment. In leading they tend to focus on big-picture, future-oriented ideas that can empower people to “be better.” If NF informs your leadership style, you may want to consider how this approach is affecting members of your team. Some of them may appreciate your support ...

Posted 23 May 2017 by
Global Marketing

Leadership and the Sensing–Feeling (SF) Process Pair

People with SF preferences (ISFJs, ISFPs, ESFPs, ESFJs) typically take a “thoughtful helping of others” approach to leadership. They consider how the factual information they provide (who, what when, why, where) might help others in a here-and-now way. They tend to have a supportive and practical leadership style, offering information that can be useful today instead of someday. If SF informs your leadership style, you may want to consider how this approach is affecting members of your team. ...

Posted 16 May 2017 by
Global Marketing

Leadership and the Sensing–Thinking (ST) Process Pair

People with ST preferences (ISTJs, ISTPs, ESTPs, ESTJs) typically take a “let’s get it done” approach to leadership. They want to tackle the task at hand and prefer to jump right in to get things right the first time. In fact, they are likely to be annoyed by discussion of matters that don’t directly relate to the task. They prefer to move on from anything they consider superfluous and get to what “needs” to get done. If ST informs your leadership style, you may want to consider how this appr...

Posted 11 May 2017 by
Global Marketing

Myers-Briggs Personality Types and Leadership

A couple of years back I wrote a blog series on type and leadership, and I’m now following that up with a few additional ideas focusing on the MBTI® process pairs: ST, SF, NF, and NT. While the T–F and J–P preference pairs are the ones most often explored in relation to leadership (maybe I’ll write about the TJ, TP, FJ, and FP pairs next), I still like looking at the middle letters of people’s four-letter type the most. As you consider the content of this next ...

Posted 02 May 2017 by
Global Marketing

Combining Coaching Tools: Myers-Briggs & FIRO Assessments

Originally written by Betsy Kendall and Alice King at OPP Often considered a winning combination in coaching, what is it specifically about the FIRO and MBTI assessments that adds depth and complexity to coaching? The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator looks at four aspects of our personality that combine together dynamically to capture the fundamental elements of who we are and how we are motivated. This in itself is a powerful coaching tool as it indicates our preferred ways of taking in information,...

Posted 25 April 2017 by
By Dr. Penny Moyle

Responding to Criticism of the MBTI Assessment

"As an MBTI practitioner, I encounter a lot of individual opinions and viewpoints about the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, sometimes incredibly positive and sometimes vehemently critical. When our work and methods are criticized, it is natural to want to defend oneself, but in doing so it can be difficult not to come across as rather defensive. Understanding where critics of the MBTI assessment are coming from, and how to respond to the individual points that they raise, has an important place. ...

Posted 24 June 2016 by
Global Marketing

American Red Cross Uses CPI 260 Tool to Identify Leadership Potential

Every two seconds someone in the U.S. needs blood, which means approximately 36,000 units of red blood cells are needed every day in the U.S. People need blood for a variety of reasons, from chemotherapy treatment to natural disasters, and many often need more than a few pints. A single car accident victim can require as many of 100 pints of blood. In addition, blood can’t be manufactured – it can only come from generous donors. And since 1940, under the leadership of Dr. Charles Dre...

Posted 10 May 2016 by
Global Marketing

High Growth IT Services Company Utilizes CPI 260 to Achieve Talent Management Objectives

Iris Software has emerged as one of the fastest growing small business IT companies in its industry today, with revenues clocking a compounded annual growth rate of more than 35% in the past three years. Headquartered in Edison, New Jersey, Iris also has offices in New York City and Stamford, Connecticut; and an offshore development center in New Delhi, India, all of which lend to their round-the-clock support abilities and global, diverse employee base. In the areas of high qual...

Posted 21 April 2016 by
Global Marketing

How to Decide on Management Styles for Your Company

This article was written by Chuck Cohn. It was originally published in Forbes Magazine on April 6, 2016. To read the article on the original site, click here.  A leader’s management style is sometimes thought of as inherent, but in truth, it is partially dictated by circumstance. There is no one approach that works for all people and all tasks in all situations. The most successful managers are flexible and use a wide range of styles appropriately. But what does “appropriately&...
