Managing Conflict for Positive Outcomes

Managing Conflict for Positive Outcomes
Managing Conflict image
An overwhelming majority of employees—85%—at all organizational levels experience workplace conflict to some degree. This conflict can result in lost productivity that costs organizations billions of dollars a year.*

When it comes to dealing with conflict, we often rely on the conflict style that we know best instead of the style that best fits the situation. Effective conflict management involves awareness of one’s default conflict style and being able to use other styles when appropriate to achieve more positive outcomes. It requires understanding of the situation and the styles of others to identify the best path forward when conflict arises.

This workshop introduces the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI®), the world’s best-selling conflict management tool, and explores five different conflict-handling modes, their impact on interpersonal and group dynamics, and how to choose the best one for any situation. Participants will learn that conflict is not bad but instead, when used correctly, can improve communication and problem-solving.  (Why use the TKI assessment?)

Topics covered include:

  • What conflict is and how it impacts our working lives
  • Advantages and disadvantages of each conflict-handling mode
  • Learning about and exploring one’s typical approach to conflict
  • How to effectively use each conflict-handling mode
  • Strategies to best manage conflict in different situations

*Myers-Briggs Company research

workshop format

  • Virtual or in-person
  • Instructor-led
  • One 4-hour session + pre-work
  • For groups of 4-20 people

participants will receive

  • TKI assessment and TKI Profile and Interpretive Report
  • Introduction to Conflict Management booklet
  • Introduction to Conflict and Teams booklet


  • Varies depending on workshop delivery method and number of participants. Contact us for details.

Learning outcomes

  • Knowledge of the five TKI conflict-handling modes, including the consequences of the overuse and underuse of each mode
  • Increased awareness of one’s typical approach to conflict
  • Knowledge of how to choose the most appropriate conflict-handling mode in any given situation

Who it's for

  • Individual contributors

  • Managers

  • Executive leaders

  • Teams

Get in touch

To purchase or learn more about the Managing Conflict for Positive Outcomes workshop, complete and submit the form below and we’ll get back to you soon.