Terms of Business for Purchase of the Myers-Briggs® App

Terms of Business for Purchase of the Myers-Briggs® App

Effective: April 29, 2023

These are the Terms of Business for purchase of licenses to use the Myers-Briggs® App, a mobile application developed by The Myers-Briggs Company group of companies (the "Company", "we", "us" or "our” and the like) including The Myers-Briggs Company, a California benefit corporation; The Myers-Briggs Company Limited, a company registered in England and Wales; The Myers-Briggs Company Pte. Ltd, a company registered in Singapore; and The Myers-Briggs Company Pty Ltd, a company registered in Australia, and includes the European branch offices of The Myers-Briggs Company Limited (including The Myers-Briggs Company - France, The Myers-Briggs Company – Netherlands, and The Myers-Briggs Company – Germany, and its European operations in Belgium and Ireland).  

These Terms of Business, which are applicable to purchasers of the Myers-Briggs App, are supplemented by our Terms of Use which are applicable to end users of the App, together with our Privacy Policy, a copy of which is available via the App, as well as our Acceptable Use Policy, available on the App, each as may be updated from time to time (collectively, the “Terms”).  By purchasing licenses to use the App, you agree to be bound by the Terms.  If you do not agree to be bound by the Terms, then you may not purchase licenses to use the App and users may not use the App.   

1. Definitions 

The following defined terms shall apply herein unless otherwise stated. 

1.1 App means the Myers-Briggs App (comprising the application available for download from the App Store, the database of Information, and the content) and any associated and/or ancillary services or functionality available via the App, including any updates or modifications made from time to time. 

1.2 Data means any and all data and information gathered by the App and/or The Myers-Briggs Company from purchase of licenses to use the App by Customers and/or use of the App by Users, and includes Personal Information, together with any and all other data and information gathered by or through use of the App, including settings.  

1.3 Inappropriate Material has the meaning given in Section 1.1 of the Acceptable Use Policy available on the App. 

1.4 Information means any data, facts and other information about Customers and Users, including actions Customers and/or Users take, and includes Data and user-generated content.  

1.5 Personal Information means any information which is in the possession of The Myers-Briggs Company relating to an identified or identifiable natural person; an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, identification number, location data, online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person; such Personal Information may include: User information; User registration and account information; personal details given by or about Users (e.g. age, gender, type and other information associated to a User); information given and comments made by Users; and/or other information provided by Users, which when cumulated with other information held in the App and/or by The Myers-Briggs Company could identify a natural person. Special Category Personal Information means Personal Information that needs more protection because it is sensitive, and, in relation to which, processors must identify a lawful basis for processing under applicable data protection legislation and a separate condition for processing. Special Category Personal Information is sometimes referred to as “sensitive Personal Information".  

1.6 Customer means the customer, whether an individual or entity (including its affiliates where applicable), who has purchased license(s) to use the App to enable User(s) to access the App. Customers shall be referred to as “Customer” or “you” or “your” as the case may be. 

1.7 Taxes means all applicable national, federal, state, and local taxes, duties, fees, charges, surcharges, or other similar exactions, as applicable to the relevant jurisdiction, imposed on or with respect to the purchase of license(s) to use the App, whether such taxes are imposed directly on Customer or upon The Myers-Briggs Company, and include (but are not limited to) sales and use taxes, goods and services taxes, and value-added taxes.   

1.8 User(s) means the individual, named, natural person(s) authorized by you, the Customer, to use the App and who has subsequently registered with The Myers-Briggs Company and received registration details (and whose account has not been suspended or terminated).   

The headings in these Terms of Business are for convenience, and do not affect the interpretation of the provisions. 

2. Purchase & Use of the App 

2.1 User Registration. The Customer may purchase license(s) to use the App for use by User(s) who subsequently pre-register for the App and are allocated registration details by The Myers-Briggs Company, including a log-in and one-time password.  

2.2 User licenses and Security. The Customer shall purchase sufficient licenses to use the App in a quantity at least equivalent to its intended number of Users. The App is made available on a one-user-per-account basis. Registration details, including log-in and any User password details, shall not be shared between multiple Users. Any loss or theft of such details should be reported to The Myers-Briggs Company as soon as possible in order to replace affected log-in details and any User passwords and/or to disable compromised accounts.  Users are responsible for ensuring the security of their account and registration details, including log-in and any User passwords. Users are also responsible for applying any updates to the App that we may make available to Users.  You shall use your best efforts to prevent unauthorized access to or use of the App and shall notify us immediately upon discovery of any unauthorized access or use. 

2.3 Technical Requirements. The Customer acknowledges that in order for Users to use the App certain technical requirements relating to hardware and software available to the User will need to be met. You acknowledge that Users must provide their own computing device, internet access and other equipment and software necessary to access and use the App and use the content therein, and you and Users shall bear each of your own costs.  

2.4 User Obligations. The Customer agrees to the Terms of Use applicable to Users.  Your attention is drawn particularly to Section 3 User’s Obligations, Section 4 Safety of Your Personal Information and Section 8 Support, Downtime & Availability of the Terms of Use applicable to all Users, in addition to the terms set out in these Terms of Business, and the Privacy Policy and Acceptable Use Policy applicable to Users. 

2.5 Customer liability for Users. The Customer shall be responsible and liable for all acts or omissions of Users using the App as a result of Purchase by the Customer, including any breach by such Users of the Terms, Privacy Policy and/or Acceptable Use Policy. We reserve the right to refuse, suspend or terminate access to and use of the App by Customers and/or Users if you or any User fails to comply with the Terms or any other terms of The Myers-Briggs Company as are applicable to Users and/or the Customer. Furthermore, we reserve the right to act in accordance with Section 6 (Consequences of Misuse of the App) and Section 7 of these Terms of Business (Term, Termination & Modification).  

2.6 Age Restrictions. Our psychometric assessments are designed for adults and are not intended for children (under 13 years of age in the US and under 16 years of age in the UK and Europe, and any other applicable age as determined by local legislation). Accordingly, in order to use the App, Users shall be of the age set forth above or over. 

3.  Purchase Process & Fees 

3.1 Purchases. Customers may purchase license(s) to use the App: (a) online via our shop at www.themyersbriggs.com; (b) by phone to our Customer Support Team as set out in Section 10 of these Terms of Business; or (c) by email or mail (each, a “Purchase”). Prices for licenses to use the App shall be as set out on our other websites or platforms, as updated from time to time. Where license(s) to use the App are integrated into the purchase of another product offered by The Myers-Briggs Company, the price shown for the product shall include the price for the license to use the App. 
3.2 Fees. Customer shall pay all fees, charges, taxes, and other sums owed in relation to a Purchase. All sales of the App are considered final and Customer’s payment for sums owed under these Terms of Business shall be non-refundable and the parties may not cancel any Purchase unless they mutually agree in writing.  Where license(s) to use the App are integrated into the purchase of another product offered by The Myers-Briggs Company, and that product is returned, any value attributed to the license(s) to use the App shall be non-refundable.  
3.3 Payment Terms. Customer shall pay the amount stated in relation to a Purchase at the time of Purchase or, if applicable, where an invoice is issued, within thirty (30) days of the issuance date of our invoice related to that Purchase. Customer shall maintain complete and accurate billing and contact information.  
3.4 Taxes. Customer shall be responsible for and shall pay all applicable Taxes. For purposes of this Section, Taxes do not include any taxes that are imposed on or measured by the net income of The Myers-Briggs Company.  If the Customer is exempt from any such Taxes for any reason, we will exempt Customer from such Taxes on a going-forward basis once Customer delivers a duly-executed, signed and dated, valid exemption certificate to our tax department and our tax department has approved such exemption certificate. Customer shall keep such exemption certificate current; once expired, we will resume charging Taxes. If for any reason a taxing jurisdiction determines that Customer is not exempt from such Taxes and assesses The Myers-Briggs Company for such Taxes, Customer agrees to pay such Taxes, plus any applicable interest or penalties. Please send such exemption certificates directly to us at the appropriate office where the App was purchased.  

3.5 Currency. Unless otherwise stated in The Myers-Briggs Company’s written sales materials relating to the App, and/or as stated on our online platforms, payments made to The Myers-Briggs Company pursuant to these Terms of Business are to be made in United States of America Dollars (USD) or pounds Sterling, as indicated, or such other currency as may be available for payment at the time of purchase, as stated on our online platforms.

4. Data Protection and Privacy  

4.1 Data Protection Laws. The Myers-Briggs Company is committed to protecting and respecting Customers’ and Users’ privacy and to acting in compliance with applicable data protection laws and in accordance with our Privacy Policy and Acceptable Use Policy, as updated from time to time and available on the App. You should read our Privacy Policy and our Data Protection Statement as they will help you understand how we collect, use, store and otherwise process Personal Information.   

4.2 The Company may engage additional sub-processors to provide the services that are the subject of these Terms, as set forth in our Privacy Policy, and you agree to the Company’s use of such additional sub-processors. Those sub-processors will be contractually bound to abide by substantially similar privacy and security principles set forth in these Terms and the Company’s Privacy Policy.   

4.3 Your and your User’s use of the App requires the collection and/or transmission of Personal Information to the Company in the United States. If you and/or your Users are using the App outside the United States, then by agreeing to these Terms you acknowledge and agree to such transfer. The Company has in place relevant safeguard mechanisms under applicable law with respect to international transfers of Personal Information, including from the UK and Europe to the United States. Further information can be found in our Privacy Policy.  

4.4 Use of Personal Information. By using the App, Customer and Users agree that The Myers-Briggs Company may collect, extract, use, and process any Personal Information held on the Customer and/or User, as applicable, or that of any associated third parties’ Personal Information where provided by Users, in personally identifiable form in accordance with our Privacy Policy.  Furthermore, Customers and Users agree that we may, where applicable, extract data we hold on Users within our other databases (if held) to add to the App, and for ease of use of, the App for Users.  

4.5 Retention of Personal Information. We will retain User’s Personal Information for as long as Customer’s license to the App remains valid and not terminated. We will retain User Personal Information in personally identifiable form for as long as that User remains active on the App.  Where activity on the App by a User has ceased for a period of eighteen (18) months or more, and/or where we may terminate a User’s access to the App, and/or Customer’s access to the App, we may remove and anonymize all associated User Personal Information, together with that of any associated third party, and any other information on the App associated to a User.  We reserve the right to revoke Customer and/or User access to the App and to delete any Personal Information and Information held without penalty at any time after your access to the App has been terminated and/or your usage of the App has been dormant for a period of eighteen (18) months or more.  Where a Customer ceases to be a Customer, we may delete all Customer Personal Information in accordance with our Privacy Policy. Whilst we may delete the Personal Information with respect to your use of the App from our systems, we have no responsibility for any Personal Information that may remain on a User’s App, including where a User may fail to update the App with technical and operational updates that we make available to Users.  

4.6 Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Company reserves the right to alter or remove a data subject’s Personal Information if required to do so by applicable law.  If a data subject exercises a right afforded to that data subject under applicable law against you as the data controller, either to us or via you, the Company will reasonably cooperate with you and provide reasonable assistance and information to facilitate your ability to respond to such a request. 

4.7 While your Users’ use of the App remains active, the Company reserves the right to retain and use all associated Users’ Personal Information, and other data collected and/or generated via the App in personally identifiable form for the purposes of providing the App and services to Users. 

4.8 Furthermore, at all times, both while your User’s use of the App remains active and thereafter, the Company reserves the right to retain and use all User’s Personal Information, and other data collected and/or generated via the App in non-personally identifiable form for the Company’s scientific research and product development purposes and other business purposes as set forth in our Privacy Policy, even after the App is removed or associated Personal Information anonymized. This data retained by us is not Personal Information because it is only retained in our systems in non-personally identifiable form, and therefore no longer represents Personal Information. Such non-personally identifiable data may be used indefinitely by us for scientific research and product development purposes without further notice to you as further set out in Section 7.1.5 of our Privacy Policy.  

4.9 Notwithstanding Sections 4.5 to 4.8, in the event that a User requests that the Company delete their Personal Information, and such request is authorized by the applicable data controller, then any Personal Information will be removed from our systems with respect to the App. 

4.10 Consent of Third Parties. Customer understands and acknowledges that it is a User's duty to ensure that it has the consent of any third party whose Personal Information the User adds to the App. Users should not enter any Personal Information of third parties without that party’s consent.  Customer’s attention is drawn to Section 2.5 of these Terms. Users remain responsible for any third party Personal Information they add to their version of the App; for the avoidance of doubt, we do not retain such third party Personal Information and are not responsible for updating or removing such from User’s versions of the App. 

4.11 Use of Data for Research Purposes. At all times, whilst a Customer account and User accounts remain active and thereafter, we reserve the right to collect and thereafter retain all Data generated via the App (including any collected through surveys conducted via or as a result of the App).  Any Data retained after accounts are no longer active will be retained in non-personally identifiable form for our scientific research and product development purposes. 

5. Intellectual Property 

5.1 Intellectual Property Rights. All content presented in the App is protected by applicable copyright, database rights, and other intellectual property rights that belong to, or are licensed to, The Myers-Briggs Company. The Myers-Briggs Company reserves all rights in its intellectual property, including the content and design of the App. 

5.2 No implied license to the content within the App. Neither Customers nor Users acquire any rights or ownership of copyright or other intellectual property rights or proprietary interest in the same or in any copies thereof. Reproduction of any content, in whole or in part, in any form or media, by any process, is strictly prohibited except: (i) where expressly permitted by law; or (ii) where such reproduction is for the purposes of using the App in accordance with these Terms of Business.  Neither Customers nor Users may republish, disseminate or transmit any material or content presented in the App, nor exploit such material or content for commercial purposes, nor make any derivative work, nor copy it for any other purpose without first obtaining our written permission.  

5.3 Use of Content within the App. Notwithstanding the above, if the App provides functionality that allows Users to print and download certain materials, then Users may print and download those materials from the App without additional charge, provided: 

  • the material printed is for User’s personal use or for use within the ordinary course of employment, including in work-related training and development;  
  • the material is reproduced accurately;  
  • the material is not used in a misleading or disparaging context; and  
  • Users identify the source of the material and acknowledge the work’s status as a work copyrighted by The Myers-Briggs Company. 

5.4 Restrictions on use of the App. Neither Customers nor Users may sell, resell, rent, or lease access to the App or any content contained within the App. Neither Customers nor Users shall reverse-engineer the App or any content made available within the App. Neither Customers nor Users shall access the App in order to build a competitive product or service or to copy any features, functions, scoring, or content of the App. 

5.5 Trademarks. Many of The Myers-Briggs Company's brand names mentioned in the App, including Myers-Briggs®, Myers-Briggs Type Indicato® and MBTI®, are registered trademarks belonging to us or our licensors; a full list of these is available in our Copyright and Trademarks statement available on the App. Neither Customer nor Users may remove or obscure any copyright notices, trademark notices, logos or other notices contained in or on content on the App. Neither you nor any User shall make use of any our trademarks in any domain names.  

6. Consequences of Misuse of the App 

6.1 The Myers-Briggs Company has the right, but not the obligation, to monitor and moderate content added to the App and we are authorized by you in our absolute discretion, and without notice, to remove, disable access to, or amend, edit or delete any contribution which we deem, in our absolute discretion, to be in breach of our Acceptable Use Policy, available on the App, or that we otherwise deem inappropriate, and to remove, block or modify use of and access to the App by you and/or Users for any reason we deem, in our absolute discretion, constitutes non-compliance or a violation of our policies, whether stated, implied or otherwise.  

6.2 Further, when we consider that a breach has occurred of these Terms applicable to Customers, our Terms applicable to Users and/or our Privacy Policy or Acceptable Use Policy, including through the posting of Inappropriate Material as referred to in our Terms and Acceptable Use Policy, we may in our absolute discretion, take such action as we deem appropriate and this may result in us taking all or any of the actions set out in Section 7 of the Terms and Sections 7.2 and 7.4 of these Terms.  

7. Term, Termination & Modification   

7.1 Term. These Terms shall be in effect from the time you purchase license(s) to the App and for the duration of use of the App by any Users.   
7.2 Termination of rights to the App by Us. In accordance with Section 4.5, where User’s activity on the App has ceased for a period of eighteen (18) months or more, we will remove User’s access to the App and may remove and anonymize all associated User Personal Information, together with that of any associated third party, and any other information on the App associated to a User. 

7.3 In addition, in the event of any misuse of the App and/or breach of these Terms, the associated Myers-Briggs App Terms of Use, Privacy Policy and/or Acceptable Use Policy, by a User and/or by you, the Customer, we reserve the right (in our absolute discretion) to terminate your rights hereunder to license to the App and/or any or all Users’ rights to access and use the App.  In such event, we may delete your account (including your Personal Information) together with any User’s account and Personal Information and Information related thereto.  We may revoke your, and Users’, license and access to the App in its entirety. Such termination by us shall be effective as of the time we provide notice of such to you. Furthermore, we reserve the right to withdraw the App from the market and to remove access to the App at any time, without prior notice to Customers and Users. In all such events, Section 7.5 shall apply. You should refer to our Privacy Policy for information about how Personal Information will be handled in such events. 
7.4 Termination of rights to the App by you and/or Users. You may request that we terminate your license to the App and/or any User’s access to and use of the App, and/or that we terminate all use of Personal Information and Information associated with any or all Users at any time by contacting us as set out in Section 10 below. Please see Section 4 in respect of Personal Information. Furthermore, individual Users may request that we terminate their account and/or delete any Personal Information and Information associated with such User and associated third parties, at any time by contacting us as set out in Section 10 below. In all such termination request events, Section 7.5 shall apply. You should refer to our Privacy Policy for information about how Personal Information will be handled in such events. In the event that you (or any of your Users) terminate use of and access to the App, and subsequently wish to reinstate access, please contact our Customer Support Team as set forth in Section 10 of these Terms. 

7.5 Consequences of Termination. If your license and/or access to the App is terminated by us or you or expires for any reason (including, without limitation, by deletion), then:  

(i) you and Users will immediately lose all access to any Information or content held within the App, including any Personal Information that was previously held on the App;  
(ii) you and Users undertake to immediately stop making use of our intellectual property and content within the App and these are no longer available to you or Users;  
(iii) you (or any User) will not receive any refund in relation to any unexpired term of the license to the App;  
(iv) in the event that we withdraw the App from the market for new users, Users may continue to have access to content and Information previously held within it but use of the App may be terminated; and 
(v) in the event that we withdraw the App from the market and terminate use of and access to the App for any and all Users, Users may lose access to all Personal Information and other Information contained therein. In such event, Section 4.2 shall apply.    

7.6 Modification of these Terms. We may terminate or modify these Terms any reason by providing you with written notice. Should we terminate or modify these Terms in this way, you will not be relieved of your obligations to pay for sums already owed to us.   

8. No express or implied warranty  


9. Liability  

9.2 Strict Liability. Nothing in these Terms will exclude or limit our liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence, or for any fraud on our part, or for any liability that cannot be excluded by law. 

9.3 Availability of the App. We do not warrant or represent that the App will operate without interruption, and we have no liability for the inability of anyone to access the App or the content within the App or functionality that forms part of the App. We reserve the right to carry out maintenance and development on the App, which may cause interruption to it. 

9.4 Remedies. Except as expressly set out in these Terms, we exclude to the fullest extent permitted by law all warranties, representations, terms, conditions and undertakings, whether implied by statute, common law, custom, trade usage, course of dealing or otherwise. Our remedies provided herein are in addition to, and not exclusive of, any other remedies we may have at law or in equity. 

9.5 Indemnity. You agree to defend and indemnify The Myers-Briggs Company, its officers, directors, employees, and assigns against any claims, damages, losses, costs, or liabilities of any kind (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) arising out of or in connection with any actual or alleged breach of the Terms, including any breach of these Terms by you and/or any breach of the Terms by any User, or in connection with any third-party suits or claims alleging matters which, if true, would constitute a breach of the Terms. 

10. General Provisions   

10.1 These Terms of Purchase, together with our Privacy Policy and Acceptable Use Policy which are supplemental to, and made a part hereof, comprise the entire agreement between us and you regarding purchase by you of the App, unless otherwise stated. We reserve the right to change the Terms at any time without prior notice to you, so please check them regularly. In the event of any conflict between these Terms (as displayed on the App) and those in our catalogue or elsewhere, these Terms (as displayed on the App) shall prevail.   

10.2 The Terms are governed exclusively by the laws of the nation in which the Company contracting with the Purchaser in respect of purchase of the App is established, namely the State of California in respect of The Myers-Briggs Company; England and Wales in respect of The Myers-Briggs Company Limited (including its European operations); Singapore in respect of The Myers-Briggs Company Pte, Ltd.; and Australia in respect of The Myers-Briggs Company Pty Ltd; without regard to conflicts of laws rules or the United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods.  

10.3 If we fail to enforce, or delay enforcement of, any provisions of the Terms, it will not be considered a waiver of our rights to do so. If any provision of the Terms is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be contrary to law, that provision shall be severed from the Terms, and the remaining provisions of the Terms shall remain in effect.  Any provisions of the Terms that by their nature would survive shall survive any termination or expiration of the Terms and/or termination or expiration of your registration and access to the App.  

10.4 You may not assign any of your rights or obligations under the Terms, whether by operation of law or otherwise, without the prior written consent of The Myers-Briggs Company.  

10.5 These Terms do not create a partnership, franchise, joint venture, fiduciary, or employment relationship between the parties; the parties are independent contractors.   

10.6 Except as otherwise specified in these Terms, all notices, permissions, and approvals under this Agreement shall be in writing.  Notices to the Company shall be addressed to the attention of its General Counsel.  All notices to you shall be addressed to the most recent contact information we hold.    

10.7 If you wish to raise a query regarding the App or require assistance in relation to our products and services, please contact your local representative or your local Customer Support team as set out below.

email: support.us@themyersbriggs.com 

email: support.eu@themyersbriggs.com 

email: enquiries.ap@themyersbriggs.com 

email: support.asia@themyersbriggs.com 

If you have a data protection query or complaint, please contact support.us@themyersbriggs.com if you are in the US or otherwise outside the UK or European Union, and dpo@themyersbriggs.com if you are within the UK or the European Union. 

10.8 No failure or delay by the Company in exercising any right under these Terms shall constitute a waiver of that right.  Other than as expressly state herein, the Company’s remedies provided herein are in addition to, and not exclusive of, any other remedies of a party at law or in equity.   

10.9 If any provision of these Terms is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be contrary to law, that provision shall be severed from these Terms, and the remaining provisions of these Terms shall remain in effect.   

10.10 You may not assign any of your rights or obligations under these Terms, whether by operation of law or otherwise.   

10.11 Any provisions of these Terms that by their nature would survive shall survive any termination or expiration of these Terms or termination or expiration of your App use.   

10.12 The Company may modify these Terms at any time by providing written notice to you via the App, so please check them regularly. New versions of these Terms will be provided to you via the App.