MBTI Type and Neurodiversity

MBTI Type and Neurodiversity

MBTI Type and Neurodiversity

Many workplace norms have been established with neurotypical people in mind. These same norms can cause neurodivergent people to be at a disadvantage.

But if we’re serious about understanding different people, especially with a view to being more inclusive and helping people thrive, we need to understand neurodiversity—especially its relation (if any) to personality type.

This new report provides such a starting point. Download it to learn more about:

  • Different forms of neurodiversity, including ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Dyslexia, and more.
  • Using the MBTI assessment with neurodivergent people.
  • How MBTI type relates to different forms of neurodiversity.

Download the Guidelines for Using MBTI Type with Neurodivergent People in practitioner resources.