Introducing VitaNavis® Dashboards

Introducing VitaNavis® Dashboards

Presented by: Craig Johnson, Director of Data Science—CPP Innovation Labs

I know what your students are interested in, do you?

Data is becoming a driver of strategic educational decisions from the top of the organization down. Most schools are collecting loads of data to help with these decisions through student information systems and outside vendors. But with so much data coming in, how do you wade through it to gain actionable insights?

We’re here to help. VitaNavis® Dashboards provides an intuitive, visual representation of data to help you achieve your strategic goals.

This on-demand webinar discusses:

  • Insights that emerge from assessment data collected from all students
  • Paddling through your “data lake”
  • A demo of the new customizable dashboards in the VitaNavis® system
  • Future directions that include school benchmarking, user interaction, enrollment funnels, and custom data projects to aid in answering questions that may arise at your organization

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