The Skilled Leader: Developing a Human-Centric Approach

The Skilled Leader: Developing a Human-Centric Approach

With 70% of U.S. employees reporting going through recent major organizational change, feeling unsettled, less engaged, less connected, and more likely to be burnt out or look for new jobs, are leaders ready?

From factors like AI to rethinking performance management in hybrid work, today's workplace requires that we adapt leadership skills to meet the current demand. With an increased strain and rise in disengagement of employees, there is a greater need for leaders who can build trust, engage employees, and foster psychological safety and inclusive workplaces. A greater emphasis on human skills across leaders at all levels will help organizations foster more engaged, innovative, and productive workforces.

Join Dr. Rachel Cubas-Wilkinson, Head of Consultancy at The Myers-Briggs Company, for this upcoming webinar where she will dive into human-centered leadership as a critical capability set for better navigating the modern workplace. Human-centered leadership is an approach that prioritizes the well-being, development, and engagement of employees.

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • Trends impacting the world of work
  • The case for human-centered leadership
  • Strategies for building human-centered leadership skillsets

Whether you're a seasoned or aspiring leader, this session will provide valuable insights and actionable strategies to help navigate an evolving context and strengthen leadership capabilities.


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