Ask an Expert Leading with Style Getting the Best from Your MBTI® Type

How does leadership apply to people who really want to follow, or those who want to lead their own life?

Leadership is a hot topic everywhere. But how do we define leadership? And how does leadership apply to people who really want to follow, or those who want to lead their own life?

In this webinar, you’ll:

  • Examine different ways of expressing leadership
  • Discover how type dynamics influences leadership
  • Explore what different types naturally gravitate toward when leading, and what they’re likely challenged by when leading
  • Hear real-life examples of people with different MBTI® types and how they lead others as well as their own life

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Series description 

Whether you are looking for application techniques or interested in learning more about the Strong Interest Inventory® or the Myers-Briggs® (MBTI®) assessments and how to best use them, we offer this complimentary webinar series to aid in your development. In this 1.5 hour format, you will have an opportunity to ask questions of our expert, Patrick Kerwin. The webinar content is suitable for Career Counselors, Academic Advisors, Career Coaches, and other practitioners who provide career development guidance to students or clients. This webinar will be recorded and archived under the "Education On-Demand" tab if you are not able to attend "live".

About the Expert:

Patrick Kerwin, MBA, NCC, is the owner of Kerwin & Associates in San Diego, California, and an MBTI® Master Practitioner. For over 20 years he has used the MBTI instrument to develop individuals, teams, and organizations. He conducts MBTI workshops on a variety of topics, including stress, team building, career development, leadership, change, and conflict. Patrick also conducts the MBTI® Certification Program, and is the author of the just-released online edition of the Kerwin Values Survey® career values assessment.