Dr Harrison Gough

In honor of Dr. Harrison Gough

On May 4, 2014, we lost Harrison G. Gough, PhD, our co-founding father at CPP, Inc., at the age of 93. Dr. Gough leaves behind a remarkable legacy of dedication, kindness, caring, creativity, and, of course, his many extraordinary contributions to the field of psychology—including the California Psychological Inventory™ (CPI™) assessment. All of us at CPP are saddened by his passing but honored to carry on his work and his vision to “help millions of people, including our employees, develop themselves.” 


Harrison Gough received his bachelor’s, master’s, and PhD degrees from the University of Minnesota, in 1942, 1947, and 1949, respectively. After completing his PhD degree, he joined the faculty of the Department of Psychology at the University of California, Berkeley, where he served with distinction until his retirement in 1986. In his lifetime, he published more than 200 research papers, chapters, manuals, books, and reviews, and received numerous awards.

During World War II, Dr. Gough served in the U.S. armed forces. His first assignment was to the Air Crew Selection Program, considered by many psychologists to be the outstanding example of applied psychology in the history of the field. There, he would later remark, he learned that psychological tests, properly used, could forecast complex and important outcomes. Later he was assigned to a large military hospital as a clinical psychologist. 

After the war, Dr. Gough developed the CPI™ instrument with one main goal: to meet the high psychometric standards set by the aviation selection program, but always with primary emphasis on understanding the individual respondent. With this goal in mind, Dr. Gough set out to find a way to publish the CPI tool. 

In 1956, Dr. Gough formed a lifelong partnership with his friend and colleague John D. (Jack) Black, PhD, then Director of Counseling and Testing Services at Stanford University, to publish the CPI assessment. Together they co-founded Consulting Psychologists Press (now CPP, Inc.), with the CPI assessment as its first product. To date, the CPI tool has helped thousands of individuals, including many executives and leaders, reach their full potential by targeting key areas of development. 

In the 58 years since its inception, CPP has grown and flourished, thanks in part to Dr. Gough’s numerous contributions, both as a founder and as a member of the CPP Board of Directors for 40 years (1956–1996). Dr. Gough’s vision of creating a company culture that promotes growth and inspiration guides the company to this day. Dr. Gough touched many lives, and, as you will read in the stories we share about him, his example of making a difference lives on through all of us. I speak for everyone at CPP when I extend my condolences to Dr. Gough’s wife, Kathryn, and his daughter, Jane Rhodes. 

I count myself very fortunate to have had the honor and privilege of knowing Harrison Gough. In addition to being brilliant, he was also a kind, caring, and loving family man. It always made me feel good just to be around Harrison and his wife, Kathryn, and to witness the love they had for each other and for their family. Dr. Gough was a giant in his field, and to us, more personally, he was a major force in the creation of CPP. He will be sorely missed by many, myself included. 

~ Jeff Hayes, President & CEO, CPP, Inc.


Caption typed by Dr. Gough using his beloved Smith-Corona typewriter
Dr. Harrison Gough and Mrs. Kathryn Gough
Harrison & Kathryn Gough, Marvin Dunnette, Leaetta Hough-Dunnette
Dr. Harrison G. Gough. Photo by http://www.fabbs.org/index.php?cID=159
Dr. Harrison G. Gough
CPP Board at Helen Pemberton's Retirement
Dr. Harrison Gough and Mrs. Kathryn Gough
Rob Devine and Dr. Gough
Rob Devine and Dr. Gough
James Jenkins, Harrison Gough, John Holland, and Paul Meehl. Photo by Dianna Watters, http://cla.umn.edu/news/clatoday/winter2001-02/words_images.php
First copy of CPI Answer Sheet - 1956
1958-59 CPP Product Catalog
1965-66 10th Anniversary Catalog Introduction
1965-66 10th Anniversary Product Catalog
First copy of test booklet - 1956
CPI Revised edition 1987
1979 CPP Product Catalog
1976-77 CPP Product Catalog
1963-64 CPP Catalog CPI Product Page
Dr. Gough's Obituary
Caption typed by Dr. Gough using his beloved Smith-Corona typewriter
Dr. Harrison Gough and Mrs. Kathryn Gough
Harrison & Kathryn Gough, Marvin Dunnette, Leaetta Hough-Dunnette
Dr. Harrison G. Gough
Dr. Harrison G. Gough
CPP Board at Helen Pemberton's Retirement
Dr. Harrison Gough and Mrs. Kathryn Gough
Rob Devine and Dr. Gough
Rob Devine and Dr. Gough
James Jenkins, Harrison Gough, John Holland, and Paul Meehl. Photo by Dianna Watters
First copy of CPI Answer Sheet - 1956
1958-59 CPP Product Catalog
1965-66 10th Anniversary Catalog Introduction
1965-66 10th Anniversary Product Catalog
First copy of test booklet - 1956
CPI Revised edition 1987
1979 CPP Product Catalog
1976-77 CPP Product Catalog
1963-64 CPP Catalog CPI Product Page
Dr. Gough's Obituary



  • 1960–1961: President of California State Psychological Association
  • 1965: Guggenheim Foundation fellowship
  • 1986: Professor of Psychology Emeritus at University of California, Berkeley
  • 2001: Outstanding Achievement Award, presented by University of Minnesota Alumni Association
  • 2001: Society for Industrial & Organizational Psychology (SIOP) fellowship for outstanding contributions in normal personality measurement
  • 2004: Jack Block Award, presented by Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) for distinguished contributions in personality psychology

Collection of Works

  • California Psychological Inventory (CPI)
  • Adjective Check List (ACL)
  • Personnel Reaction Blank
  • Interpersonal Dependency Inventory
  • Analysis of Psychological Test Scores And Other Diagnostic Variables


Stories from loved ones and dear friends

Click Here to read more first hand stories about Dr. Harrison Gough.

Or to send us yours, please email Karen Gonzalez at kgonzalez@themyersbriggs.com to share your memories of Dr. Gough with us!