Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation™ (FIRO®) | The Myers-Briggs Company

Unlocking interpersonal relationships
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The Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation™ (FIRO®) assessments (FIRO-B® and FIRO Business®) focus on interpersonal needs. They help people understand what they need from their interactions with others, how their needs influence their communication style and behavior, and how to build stronger relationships and navigate social and work settings more effectively.

How it works

The FIRO suite includes the FIRO-B and FIRO Business assessments. The FIRO-B assessment measures an individual's interpersonal needs in three areas: Inclusion, Control, and Affection. Alternatively, the FIRO Business assessment measures Involvement, Influence and Connection for greater traction within an organizational setting. By exploring these dynamics, the assessments describe how the individual tends to behave toward others and how they want others to behave toward them, resulting in insights that can improve communication, collaboration, and relationships.

Expressed behaviors Expressed behaviors Expressed behaviors are the behaviors you initiate towards others Total Expressed Total Expressed Your Total Expressed score indicates how much you like to take the initiative. Total Wanted Total Wanted Your Total Wanted score indicates how much you like others to take the initiative. Wanted behaviors Wanted behaviors Wanted behaviors are the behaviors you want to receive from others. Overall Overall Indicates the strength of your need for general interpersonal contact and interaction. Total Inclusion Total Inclusion If this column is highest it indicates Inclusion is your interpersonal need that most strongly influences your behavior in relationships Total Control Total Control If this column is highest it indicates Control is your interpersonal need that most strongly influences your behavior in relationships Total Affection Total Affection If this column is highest it indicates Affection is your interpersonal need that most strongly influences your behavior in relationships. Inclusion Inclusion Inclusion is the need to belong Control Control Control is the need for influence Affection Affection Affection is the need for intimacy. Expressed Inclusion Expressed Inclusion is the extent to which I make efforts to include and involve others in my activities. Wanted Inclusion Wanted Inclusion is the extent to which I want others to include and involve me in their activities. Expressed Control Expressed Control is the extent to which I make ef - forts to control and influence others. Wanted Control Wanted control is the extent to which I want to be in an environment that provides me with structure and clarity. Expressed Affection Expressed Affection is the extent to which I make efforts to be warm and friendly to others. Wanted Affection Wanted Affection is extent to which I want others to make efforts to be warm and friendly to me.

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