FIRO Foundation Programme Knowledge Bank

Resources for FIRO® practitioners

This Knowledge Bank brings together a selection of materials to make it easy for you to apply the skills developed when you qualified to use the FIRO assessments. It contains practical resources for delivering one-to-one and group feedbacks, videos, useful exercises, and information on how to get support.

Whether you are newly qualified or an experienced practitioner, we hope these resources will provide you with something new and interesting to put into practice. Remember that you can find additional practitioner resources and Knowledge Banks in the Knowledge Centre – simply sign in to your account to access them.


   What's new
   Contracting, questionnaire administration and ethics
   Giving one-to-one feedback
   Giving group feedback
   Engaging others in the FIRO framework
   Extend your knowledge
   How to get help

What's new?

Our latest FIRO qualification course, the FIRO® Foundation Programme, brings new and refreshed materials to support your use of the FIRO framework. You’ll find many of these supplementary materials within this Knowledge Bank.

If you qualified on one of our previous courses (eg the FIRO® Qualifying Programme), we invite you to:

Review our summary of the updates and new materials

Remind yourself of our best-practice process when introducing the FIRO framework and giving feedback – for either the FIRO-B or FIRO Business assessments

Contracting, questionnaire administration and ethics

Your ethical use of the FIRO assessments ensures their effectiveness and credibility, and positions them to support positive change. The FIRO framework is suitable for a range of applications across development and selection contexts.

Review our ethical guidelines to support you before, during and after FIRO-B and FIRO Business feedback sessions

Administer the questionnaire online via OPPassessment (see the OPPassessment User Guide for a refresher)

Provide a FIRO-B or FIRO Business report for each individual you are working with

Giving one-to-one feedback

Whether you are using the FIRO-B or FIRO Business assessment, refer to our one-to-one packing list and review the materials listed below for anything you might need.

Remember to watch our feedback videos to see this process in action!

Use our feedback checklist before and during your session to keep you on track

Download a FIRO-B or FIRO Business Feedback Workbook for your individuals to complete (using interactive PDF or printed format). We offer three versions for different printer settings (if in doubt, try Version A first!):

Download a FIRO-B matrix or a FIRO Business matrix for each individual to use during their feedback session to predict and record their FIRO scores. You can use this as a complement or an alternative to the workbook, as shown in the series of FIRO Business feedback videos

Remember to use your FIRO Feedback Cards to help you navigate your clients through the FIRO feedback process and beyond. The cards are double-sided for use with both the FIRO-B and FIRO Business instruments. See the cards in action in any of the feedback videos

Order an Introduction to the FIRO-B Instrument, Introduction to the FIRO Business Instrument, or an Introduction to the FIRO-B Instrument in Organisations booklet for your individual to take away after the session and consolidate their learning

Giving group feedback

Whether you are using the FIRO-B or FIRO Business assessment, refer to our group packing list and review the materials listed below for anything you might need.

Download our FIRO-B group feedback slides or FIRO Business group feedback slides (both with accompanying facilitator notes) to help structure your session, and edit as required

Download a FIRO-B or FIRO Business Feedback Workbook for each individual in your group to complete (using interactive PDF or printed format). We offer three versions for different printer settings (if in doubt, try Version A first!):

Order an Introduction to the FIRO-B Instrument, Introduction to the FIRO Business Instrument, Introduction to the FIRO-B Instrument in Organisations booklet or the Participating in Teams booklet for each individual to take away after the session and consolidate their learning

Print and prepare a set of FIRO-B Word Cards or FIRO Business Word Cards for use as a group icebreaker exercise

Consider the group exercises you’d like to use. The slides for the six exercises are included in the group feedback slide sets mentioned above, but you can find FIRO-B and FIRO Business exercise slide sets and their facilitator notes below:

FIRO-B group exercises slide set and facilitator notes

FIRO Business group exercises slide set and facilitator notes


Use these short videos to remind yourself of best practice when using the FIRO framework. You can also discover how the FIRO model can be used with impact in a range of development and selection contexts.

FIRO-B feedback
FIRO-B development
FIRO Business feedback
FIRO Business development
FIRO scores in selection

Engaging others in the FIRO framework

You can use these materials to support your introduction of the FIRO framework to the individuals and organisations you work with.

Review our FIRO-B and FIRO Business comparison document and consider which assessment is most appropriate for the individual or organisation you are working with

Study our guide to the illustrations of the key FIRO concepts used throughout our new materials

Use our customisable datasheet to introduce and promote the FIRO instrument

Refresh yourself on the details of reliability and validity of the FIRO instrument, and refer to the European Data Supplement for detailed analysis of the data collected to validate the use of the assessment in Europe

Extend your knowledge

You can use these materials to deepen your understanding of and confidence in using the FIRO framework.

Practise your FIRO profile interpretation skills using these interactive Interpretation Challenge exercises:

Making links within a profile – test your ability to make links within profiles

Leadership style – test your ability to analyse leadership profiles

Compatibility of two profiles – test your ability to make links between profiles

Putting it all together – test the skills honed in the above exercises when analysing and comparing whole profiles

Review the ‘Understanding leadership profiles’ case study introduced during the FIRO Foundation Programme, including the debrief questions and answers for each profile

Browse our recommended reading for the FIRO instrument

Read our FIRO research studies and white papers:

Catch up with Sandra and Terry – whose case study is explored on the FIRO Foundation Programme – and how their relationship has changed in the 20 years since they first explored their FIRO scores

How to get help

Customer Support

Multilingual Customer Support advisors are on hand to answer any query you may have. Phone lines are open from 8am to 6pm (UK time), Monday to Friday.

Phone: +44 (0)1865 404610

General enquiries

  • Processing orders or guiding you through online purchase of products and report credits
  • Helping you to identify the most appropriate training option and taking course bookings
  • Providing support for administering assessments and generating reports on OPPassessment